Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why do you need to take health supplements?

Are you one of those who think "Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. It is not necessary to take health supplements?"

Think again!

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reversed a stand of 30 years in power the medical device when Fletcher and Fairfield, in 2002 stated that "most people do not consume an optimal amount of vitamins by diet alone ... it is prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements. "

The government study shows that the zero percent of the population has 100percent of the recommended daily nutrients. A normal person does not consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables 7.5. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) shows that 93% of Americans get enough vitamin E, 56% do not have enough magnesium, 44% is not enough vitamin A and 31% is not enough vitamin C.

Why we're not getting enough vitamins and minerals from our food?

1. Poor diet

lifestyle - most people today lead ahectic lifestyle. Do not have time to adequately prepare their food. Most of the people to come to the wrong foods - fast food and processed foods that are high in sugar, high salt, high fat, preservatives, fruits too and is not sufficient and vegetables, cereals, vegetable proteins.

wrong amount of food - most people eat more these days in part. The service is now three to four times normal size.

Eating at the wrong time - Most people eat a large meal fordinner just before bed, skip breakfast and run.

Drinking too much coffee - Caffeine is filtered calcium, potassium, zinc, iron and B group vitamins

2. common practices that affect food quality

-Kitchen - Nutrients are lost in the kitchen. Cooking for a long period of time results in loss of vitamins. Potassium, calcium and sodium are lost if vegetables are boiled in salted water and if the cooking water is discarded. If the fat is fried more than once, which could contain toxic substances.

-Foodtreatment - cutting, washing and freezing may cause loss of nutrients.

Dry on rice and legumes can lead to loss of water soluble vitamins such as thiamin and nicotinic acid.

-Cut the vegetables into small pieces and exposed to air can cause loss of vitamin C.

The freezing meat can cause a 50% to 90% of vitamin B to lose.

Food processing reduces fatty acids, B vitamins and minerals.

-Fruits and vegetables lose their nutrients duringtransport.

"The fruits are not fresh. Many are collected and stored for several months in cold storage. Nutrients are lost during storage.

3. The soil is depleted of nutrients

Crop rotation is very important in agriculture. Balanced soil fertility and add nutrients to the soil. But in modern times, intensive agriculture is practiced most of the crop rotation because it allows to significantly increase production.

Modern agriculture produces more calories perhectares, but produces crops with less nutrients. To get the same nutrients consumed in 1948 by an apple, you have to eat three apples today. Modern agriculture requires the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The nitrogen-rich fertilizers to compete for healthy soils and dramatically increase environmental pollution. An average person consumes 10 pounds of pesticides and herbicides per year.

4. Medicine, antibiotics and caffeine reduces the vitamin in our storebodies and interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Our body needs all the essential vitamins and minerals.

"Chromium is needed to promote healthy insulin function and glucose metabolism.

"Selenium promotes prostate health and antioxidant support.

-Calcium, magnesium and boron promotes bone mineralization.

-Zinc, copper and manganese promotes fertility.

With minerals and vitamins for the loss of much through different ways, as mentioned above, is stronglyrecommends that everyone take supplements.

But she gets more than 12,000 calories for the recommended 200 mcg of chromium?
Instead it is 0.5 kg of sardines or 1 kg of pancreas to obtain 30 mg of CoQ10?
But it has 5000 calories to get 400 IU of vitamin E?

Or take some supplements? Isotonix supplements, especially with fast delivery and best results and good taste!

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