Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BUN test - the diagnosis of renal disease effectively

If the doctor suspects that you have the symptoms of kidney disease, may order a test for blood urea nitrogen for you. This is a test of blood urea nitrogen, which indicates how well your kidneys are working. suspicious symptoms include swelling of the hands or feet (or across the body), increased or decreased urination and unexplained fatigue.

How to test blood urea nitrogen?

Since the liver metabolizes food, breaking amino acids and produce nitrogen as part ofthe waste product, urea. When the kidneys are functioning properly travels urea by the liver to the kidneys for excretion in the urine. However, if the kidneys are not working properly, do not remove the urea in the most effective, leading to higher levels of blood urea nitrogen.

A BUN test measures the amount of blood urea nitrogen in blood to diagnose if you have kidney problems. This test is often done with a blood test for creatininemore accurate diagnosis. It determines your BUN-creatinine ratio, which can help reveal whether there are other problems such as dehydration that are affecting the results.

BUN Test Results

If the results indicate that the blood urea nitrogen levels are higher than normal kidneys can be damaged. The normal range is 7 to 20 milligrams (mg) of urea nitrogen per deciliter (dl) of blood for adults and 18 of 5 mg / dL forchildren.

However, the above result does not necessarily indicate normal renal disease. Urea results can be high due to dehydration, heart failure, trauma, internal bleeding, malnutrition.

If you are in renal failure and dialysis, may also be required to submit to test blood urea nitrogen to determine if you are getting the right amount of dialysis. A low score may indicate that you are not getting enough protein, a common complication in stage 5 or end-stagerenal failure. You can also indicate that it is too hydrated or liver failure.

Urea nitrogen levels in the blood tend to rise when you are older, so age is also taken into account in assessing the results. So the sex, men tend to have higher than women.

How to prepare for the test of urea

The test involves taking a blood sample from a vein in your arm. Usually can be done without fasting, but your doctor mayDo not eat high protein, first for 24 hours before the test.

If you are taking medications you should inform your doctor as you may interfere with test results. For example, corticosteroids, diuretics and some blood pressure medications may increase the levels of urea nitrogen, and antibiotics such as streptomycin can decrease.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Things you should know about kidney disease and lupus

The studies showed that approximately one third of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus may develop a kidney disease called lupus nephritis or lupus nephritis glomerulonephritis.Lupus often show very few signs. It does not cause pain or burning when urinating and abdominal pain also does not produce or back.The first symptom, the patient with lupus nephritis typically experience swelling in the legs, ankles or fingers. This is due to loss of protein in urine canlead to fluid retention with weight gain and swelling.

Sometimes the fact that a patient has lupus nephritis was found only after urine studies are performed. It 's very likely that if there were another urine test, urine anomalies to disappear. However, there are patients in whom abnormal findings in urine tests may persist or worsen over time. These patients require further study to determine the best treatment for disease control, because it seemsthe risk of loss of renal function.

Importantly, patients with lupus may experience some symptoms that are confused and think they have lupus nephritis. For example, urinary tract infections burning during urination or drugs used to treat lupus may produce signals that can start the confusion.There some evidence that can be done to discover if a patient has lupus nephritis.

A urinalysis is the most used and simple test to do. Aurine sample is studied to see if there are proteins and blood cells that are not normally found in urine samples urine.If no red blood cells, white blood cells, calcium (in the urinary excretion of protein or cells the blood that accumulates in the kidney tubules), or if it is discovered the presence of proteins, the possibility of lupus nephritis, and necessary.Sometimes more evidence, it was a collection of urine over a period of 24 hours measurecapacity 'kidneys filtering waste products.

Studies on the blood also can be made, and can include urea and serum creatinine. These are the tests performed to determine whether the waste is properly removed from the kidney and do not accumulate in blood.By measure serum albumin, is possible to determine whether there is a low level of protein in the blood and chemical studies such as serum sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, and determine theimbalances of salt and water in blood.There can also do blood tests to determine whether abnormalities of the immune system.

An ultrasound or IVP can be done to determine the size and shape of the kidneys. Usually, this test takes place before a renal biopsy renal biopsy.The carried out to confirm the diagnosis of lupus nephritis. Is done by inserting a needle through the skin of the back and remove a small sample of kidney.Then,the small amount taken from the kidney were examined under a microscope to determine how much inflammation or permanent damage is present in the kidney.

There are four common types of nephritis: focal or diffuse proliferative nephritis, mesangial nephritis and membranous nephropathy.

The treatment for this disease should be individualized because some patients have different needs. It is important that all factors that appear to betreatment.General account in the determination of the principles of medical management of renal disease include antihypertensive drugs to control high blood pressure, diuretics to remove excess fluid, changes in diet to control your salt intake, protein and calories. These are very important in lupus nephritis.

Corticosteroids are often used to treat lupus nephritis. We mention here prednisolone prednisone and methylprednisolone. There are still someQuestions unanswered the question of how corticosteroids work and how they can be used more effectively. As usual, high doses of corticosteroids are indicated until you see the improvement of lupus nephritis. Therefore, the dose is reduced, but not a careful observation by the doctor to make sure that nephritis is not worse.If corticosteroids administered for prolonged periods, there may be side effects such as bruising, increased 'appetite and fluid retention with weight gain, cataracts,thinning hair, increased risk of infection, diabetes and others.

When patients do not respond to treatment with corticosteroids, cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs are administered as azathioprine or cyclophosphamide. The effect of these drugs block the function of the immune system system.As a result, further damage to the kidneys is prevented. However, although these drugs may be useful, but can also lead to serious complications.

Although it is not appropriatetreatment, patients who develop a progressive loss of renal function and kidney failure. This requires the use of artificial dialysis and can be done with hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.Also, you can do a kidney transplant, and we know that this has been very successful in patients with renal lupus nephritis.

Over the years, advanced science in understanding the causes of lupus nephritis, and there have been improvements in treatmentpatients.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nutrition and Kidney Health Understanding Your Lab Values ​​through stages

After the diagnosis of kidney diseases of any kind, many individuals face a lifetime of doctor visits, specialists, laboratory tests, dietary restrictions and fluid changes and the imminent possibility of the need for dialysis or transplant kidney, where the disease is progressing.

Medications and diet will be important to prevent this from happening, which makes it even more important for the patient to pay attention to what was said by the dietitian at eachstage renal disease. While some are fortunate enough to slow or stop the progression of various forms of kidney disease, it is important to note that even if you do everything as it should, the disease may continue and be even more severe.

One of the things you will face is the constant need for many tests, which begins with a sample of blood or urine. In people with severe kidney disease, a door can be positioned so Your doctor may have constant access without having to prick a vein each time. The port can also be used to administer medication and may be more convenient, but can also be problematic because it requires special care of both the patient and the patient's family or, in some cases, a home nurse or support.

Some of the laboratory tests that will have on the course of treatment for kidney disease are:

Serum creatinine: muscle activity of the body creates> Creatinine, a waste product normally removed by the action of the kidneys. This tends to be one of the waste products before proceeding with the backup of blood vessels, which marks the start of kidney problems.

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): This rate determines how well the kidneys. A GFR below 30 indicates a problem and justify the need for a nephrologist (a kidney). Any glomerular filtration rate below 15 indicates that the problem is serious and thereis the need for dialysis, and may indicate the urgent need for a kidney transplant.

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): when the body breaks down proteins, not just the food we eat, but a normal metabolism and, urea is formed. standard deviation of this product is usually filtered from the blood by the kidneys and may increase if the kidneys fail, or if the patient is to eat more protein than the body can handle. The BUN may fall if thepatient is eating too little protein, too.

Urine Protein: Protein is an essential macronutrient, which is used by the body to a wide range of systems and functions. Your body also creates some forms of the proteins of other forms to be used for other reasons. The kidneys filter and protein-protein in the blood when functioning properly, but when they are, they accumulate proteins in the urine. Although there are other cases in which the protein can be detected in urine, persistent levels of detectable protein in the urine is an early sign of kidney disease or imminent harm.

Microalbuminuria: those who are at increased risk of kidney disease, including those with other conditions like high blood pressure or family history of very severe renal disease, this test is used to detect even very small amounts of protein in the urine before the amount is high enough to be detected by the test less sensitive.

Proportion of protein> Creatinine: For some patients, the doctor will ask a sample of 24 hour urine, which will show the amount of protein in the urine every day. This test can be tricky because it relies on the collection of patients of all urine for 24 hours, the storage container in the refrigerator and then taken to the laboratory the next day for testing. Instead, the doctor may choose to use the protein / creatinine ratio, which estimates the amount of proteinwhich is excreted in the urine instead.

serum albumin: the body uses proteins from food to create other types of proteins, amino acids, hormones and enzymes. Albumin is one of these proteins in the body. Low levels of this blood can be caused by not getting the right amount of protein in the diet or enough calories. It is also important to note that the body can not store protein, and the need for new sources every day. Even a small amount of albumin in the blood can cause serioushealth problems, including the inability to fight infection.

NAP protein nitrogen appearance: This test is often used by the doctor to see if you are eating enough protein or, in some cases, too. This test is performed by collecting urine samples and blood, and you may be asked to keep a food journal.

Subjective Global Assessment (SGA): This test can be requested by the nutritionist instead of the kidneys and is used to controlsymptoms of nutritional problems. The test is done by asking questions about diet, conducting weight control and verification of the amounts of fat and muscles in the face, arms, hands, shoulders and legs.

Hemoglobin, the blood is composed of many parts, such as hemoglobin, the red blood cells that work to carry oxygen from the lungs to the body. A low hemoglobin indicates anemia. Treatment for anemia and iron includes a specifichormone.

Hematocrit: This is the measure of the amount of red blood cells of your body is doing. A low value of this test also indicates anemia.

TSAT and serum ferritin: these tests is to measure iron in the body.

PTH parathyroid hormone: an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the body can cause high levels of PTH and may cause bone disease.

Football because football is crucial for bone health and may be leached during some forms of kidney disease,level will be reviewed.

Phosphorus: a high level of this mineral can lead to weak bones. The doctor and dietitian can put on a diet to limit phosphorus, and can even be given a medicine that will join the rest of phosphorus in food.

Potassium: This mineral is necessary for the body so that the heart and other muscles are working properly. The potassium level should be balanced, otherwise the muscles weaken and can lead to heart irregularities.

Blood and urine, BuenaFood supplements and proteins: a case study

Dave has a kidney disease. At this point, do not need dialysis, however, comes very often in laboratory blood tests and give a urine sample. I had to do urine collection 24 hours once or twice, and he is glad that the doctor has switched to using the protein / creatinine ratio in place. His diet was very healthy, but the nutritionist suggested change their consumption of healthy fatsOmega-3 fatty acids on the other, unless he was eating healthy fats and to increase the amount of protein and calcium in your diet. It includes a protein supplement because it has a lower appetite lately.

After searching the protein shakes, Dave began using a new supplement. Why is so small it can be consumed in seconds. Although it has only 100 calories per serving, Dave gives a high amount of digestible protein. He pointed to two servings a day and then triesincrease in vegetable protein in a healthy diet for the rest of the day. On days when you just can not eat healthy, to maintain their employment levels.

Muscle Advance Sport Nutritionals - whey protein best complement

body building can be shown how to modify your muscles or using them to participate in the bodybuilding sport. Sports Council requires the construction of building lean muscle mass. You have to take the appropriate amount of calories to facilitate muscle building and construction. calories not only fuels appropriate work, but also holds fast to repair tissue. solid strength training program should be done with adequate caloric intake for proper muscle development. Proteins play apredominant role in tissue repair and muscle building, because it is the basic material for building muscle tissue. So a sports athlete needs more protein than nonathletes. The estimate is that a sports athlete needs to consume 0.6 to 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight per day. Foodstuffs such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, nonfat dairy products, dried fruits and vegetable protein supply to our body.

Athletes need to consume large quantities of these foods, but it is better ifa protein supplement is taken with these foods. Most foods today lack key nutrients, and a protein supplement invariably compensate for this deficiency.

Muscle Advance is a whey protein supplement that supplies the muscles of bodybuilders and athletes, helping the body deal with sports and vigorous exercise profitably. The dose of whey protein in the advanced product provides the body with the necessary dose ofprotein per serving, promotes normal body growth, and keep your weight under control, even after strengthening. Better integration of the muscles Advance Whey protein is low in carbohydrates to maintain nitrogen balance in the body, allowing the growth of healthy muscle. The product is available in chocolate and vanilla flavors and delicious flavors. To mix the supplement with water or milk, and take it. So it's pretty easy to take the supplement.

Usually recommendedsupplement take 2-3 servings daily. The product has a low glycemic index and can be taken along with a diet of protein. One should take the supplement after waking and after exercise. It may be assumed by all, without side effects.

The basic ingredients of the best muscle supplement Advance whey proteins are each 130 calories per tablespoon, 25 grams of protein and 1.5 grams of fat and 3 grams of carbohydrates. The supplement contains 25% more protein thanother products on the market. The product does not contain adequate amounts of protein, but also the amino acid and multivitamins. So it's a complete product, and should not pass separately in amino acid supplements and multivitamins.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Addison disease in dogs - causes, diagnosis and treatment

Addison disease in dogs occurs because of decreased secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal gland and is also known as hypoadrenocorticism. This disease is difficult to detect in its early stages, but once diagnosed can be treated successfully.


The adrenal gland secretes a number of substances that are needed to regulate normal body functions of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids are important. Glucocorticoids asCortisol influences the balance of fats, sugars and protein metabolism and mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone regulate electrolytes such as sodium and potassium in the body, especially during stressful situations. The symptoms of Addison's disease appear when these hormones are not secreted in adequate amounts by the adrenal glands.

The failure of the adrenal glands can be caused by the destruction of it by glands in the body or by an infection of the glands. Other causesAddison's disease include inadequate secretion of ACTH by the pituitary gland, which stimulates the adrenal glands and the failure of hypothalamic CRH secretion, which controls the adrenal glands.


Although Addison's disease is predominantly found in dogs can develop in dogs of both sexes at any age. Nor is partial to any particular race. The symptoms of this disease are often vague and dogs experiencing these symptoms for a prolongedtime before being diagnosed. The most common symptoms include decreased heart rate, hypothermia, muscle weakness, vomiting, lethargy and anorexia. Symptoms may come and go more complicated and delayed the diagnosis. In some extreme cases the dog may collapse in shock due to an imbalance of electrolytes and metabolism in stress situations. This condition called Addison's crisis' can be fatal without prompt treatment.


The confirmation of Addison's disease indogs is done through a blood test called the ACTH stimulation test. However, since this disease is not common and that many because of its vague symptoms and ACTH test is most often done only after other tests for common diseases is performed to rule.

When an animal is taken to a hospital in shock due to electrolyte imbalance, then you get to the first therapy for a presumptive diagnosis, and only after obtaining the ACTH stimulation test to confirm Addisonthe disease becomes.

In the event that the animal has one or all symptoms, blood counts and chemistry profile, probably it is recommended first. If tests show the presence of chronic anemia, increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, the test is performed to confirm the ACTH Addison's disease.

For a normal dog ACTH results show high levels of cortisol in the blood. But if your dog has Addison's disease and the results showed noincreased levels of cortisol in the blood, confirming the presence of the disease.


The prognosis for Addison's disease in dogs is excellent and, once diagnosed, treatment for Addison's disease is very simple. Typically, treatment consists of drugs such as Florinef (fludrocortisone) to replace glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids in the body. advanced treatments related to drugs such as DocPad to be injected only once every 25 days. Intensive tests have shownFlorinef electrolyte regulation DocPad best of what is usually given twice a day.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Creatine supplements for sport: the positive effects of creatine supplementation

Buy creatine, not steroids or artificial aid of drugs. It is made ​​in your body and every person has a very significant amount of creatine in your body around at any time, with about 95% of the creatine stored in muscle tissue.

The idea of ingesting creatine to increase levels of creatine in the body is not new. Discovered in 1832 by French scientist Michel Eugène Chevreul, 'Creatine' name is based on the Latin namefor 'flesh' as the meat is one of the common sources of creatine in the diet.

It was first observed in 1912 that the intake of creatine increased levels of creatine in skeletal muscle tissue. Even with the early part of the 20 was well known to researchers that creatine is a key part of muscle metabolism.

In 1992, many athletes have started to use creatine supplements to increase muscle levels and enjoy an ergogenic(Performance) effect. In 1993, the Company issued EAS Phosphagen, the traditional form of the brand, first supplement creatine. Since creatine studies have led to greater understanding of the benefits, effects, the mode of action and several attempts to improve and expand the use of this substance that makes it one of the most popular supplements ever produced.

What is creatine?

Creatine is made ​​up of three amino acids acids - arginine, glycine and methionine. These amino acids can be synthesized in the liver to produce creatine. It also can ingest creatine from food sources of meat, but vegetarians and vegans are generally lower than the stores of creatine by lack of eating meat. Today, creatine supplements are not derived from meat, however, are synthesized in the laboratory by three amino acid powder to produce a simple formatCreatine>.

The average man weighs 160 pounds cause 120grams of creatine into your body. 95% -98% of this is stored in skeletal muscle tissue, and the rest in various organs, especially the brain, heart and reproductive system.

Vegetarians and vegans do not usually eat food and stores of creatine are produced entirely by synthesis in the liver of amino acid sources. meat eaters can eat anywhere from a fewhundreds of milligrams to grams 3 or 4 per day, depending on the source of meat chosen.

the use of extra creatine enables users to ingest in the range of 5 to 20 grams of creatine per day, without consumption of meat in a directly usable form.

When creatine is moving through the energy cycle that produces waste products of creatinine. Release creatinine is a marker of renal dysfunction is often the first (but now rejected) concernsthat creatine supplementation stressed kidneys. The increase in waste products of creatinine in the case of athletes sign of stress in the kidney, is simply the product of the ingestion of large amounts of creatine and creatine use more muscle energy metabolism in an individual non- athletic.

The purpose of creatine

Creatine is directly involved in the PC-ATP (adenosine triphosphate-phosphocreatine), energybody's system. The body has different energy systems available to the task of feeding and processes. Systems such as aerobic and anaerobic energy system involves the creation of energy from carbohydrates and the synthesis of fatty deposits and fuel sources, although it is more complex processes that are efficient, but slow. The power system ATP-PC is an immediate source of energy for muscle tissue - in the case of sudden and explosive activity in the muscles to contract quickly was initially based on the ATP-PCsystem. This includes weight lifting, sprinting, etc.

During the energy cycle of ATP, ATP is degraded rapidly in simple chemical compounds, providing an energy boost. Unfortunately, this system has run very fast with activities that reduce the maximum force, current stores within 10 to 15 seconds. Once this system is out of the body should move to more complex process of anaerobic exercise.

Creatine binds to the reduction of ADP (adenosine diphosphate), usingstores of phosphorus, which helps recharge the ADP back into ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This means a fast return to the quick source of energy for muscle action. Now you can move more weight for longer, more difficult to sprint out without burning, etc.

This is the central role of creatine. Increased level of creatine supplement users are often able to perform more repetitions with maximum effort sprints or more without the transition to the anaerobic system. It is alsofaster recovery of ATP levels, which means that more short pauses between the efforts of maximum effort.

Other benefits of creatine Athletic

No known benefits of using creatine is not the direct recovery of ATP.

* Cell Volume - When greater than normal levels of creatine to saturate the muscles of a supplement, the liquid is drawn into the muscle cells themselves, the creation of super-hydration "effect" of a file. This isnot be confused with "fluid retention" the term that is caused by heavy water stored under the skin. On stage liquid creatine really inflates the muscle cells. This explains much of the initial weight and muscle mass gains are found with the use of creatine. This weight gain usually occurs within the first 7 to 14 days to integrate higher levels of creatine. Removing extra creatine, this "super-volumizing" slowly erodesuntil the muscles to a normal state of hydration.

* Improved protein synthesis - Numerous studies suggest that creatine hours also helps to increase nitrogen retention and protein synthesis of muscle metabolism. This essentially means that the higher protein intake will lead to faster growth in muscle development and improve retention of muscle tissue. This benefit is probably a combination of ATP supply and to cell volumeproperty.

Other benefits of creatine supplementation

Other medical studies have shown that creatine supplementation may have other non-athletic benefits. Creatine is being used in those with muscular atrophy and neuro-degenerative diseases, which shows significant benefits in preserving and protecting the nerve and muscle pathways signaling. This has led to numerous studies on the effects of creatine supplementation on preventioncognitive dysfunction in conditions such as Alzheimer's and dementia, as well as nerve-related diseases.

Creatine supplementation is being tested in a "nutracuetical cognitive" or "smart drugs" - that can improve brain function, improve memory, coordination, concentration and mental agility. Many athletes have noted these effects, but rigorous studies are needed to understand these stories.

The forms of creatine

CreatineSupplements are available in a wide variety of ways.

* Creatine monohydrate - This simple form of creatine bound to a molecule of water is common and widely available only creatine. Usually found as a white powder that can easily be mixed with protein shakes, drink or Drink come loaded with specialized carbohydrate boosters rapid-acting insulin to increase the absorption of creatine into muscle cells. This is the most economic form of creatine and the most common, but about 1 in 7 people is a poor response to creatine monohydrate, and see the low absorption capacity, often resulting in indigestion, flatulence and no increase in levels of force or energy. Creatine monohydrate can also be found in a "micronized. This simply means that the powder granularity is reduced making it easier to dissolve in water or other liquids.

* Creatine ethyl ester -> Creatine ethyl ester is associated with a group instead of a water molecule as creatine monohydrate. Ethyl Ester groups are designed to allow to happen more creatine in muscle tissue, without waste and without the need to eat higher doses and greater bass response. Users of creatine ethyl ester digestive problems are usually less than creatine monohydrate and can work well for non-responders. Creatine Ethyl Ester is more common intablet or capsule form instead of powdered drink mix.

* Kre-Alkalyn Creatine - Kre-Alkalyn Creatine is a patented form of creatine which aims to provide a better balance in the pH of the creatine down. This means that the product will be more stable in liquids and most of the skeletal muscle intact and not break get in the product creatinine. Kre-Alkalyn Creatine can be used in lower doses as regular creatinemonohydrate, perhaps as little as 2 grams of Kre-Alkalyn offers the same benefits of eating 10 grams of creatine monohydrate. The nature of the patented Kre-Alkalyn but makes it more expensive to use regular creatine .

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Protein capsulized special medical needs

Maggie Tipton, protein drinks are close capsulized bodybuilding supplements on the shelf at your local health food store. However, more and more hospitals and medical centers across the country are taking very seriously.

Maggie has been a resident in a nursing home for more than a dozen years. Physically, it seems as fit as you might expect for 89 years. The truth is that she is becoming more fragile than his dementia worsened to preventunderstand why you think it does. More often these days the need for assistance in the walk of 50 feet from your bedroom to the TV room. During the food your appetite is not what it was, and support staff and resident care team recognizes only the model, after a few days. He got used to the fact that Maggie had to be forced to eat, but due to changes and heavy workloads for staff in the nursing home, their food intake was very smallunnoticed. The normal response to a situation of this nursing home in particular, and many around the country, home to the consumption of food and fluid monitoring through a graphic account is completed at the end of each shift. Although this is a practical measure, suffers from being imprecise - the only agent may be responsible for up to twenty residents, often leads to incorrect reporting.

Moreover, by providing a patient with dementia to reject conventional foodsMalnutrition does not take into account the need for protein. Older people with weak constitutions and defective prosthesis dodgy digestive systems in general, choose foods that are easy to digest, easy to swallow in preference to protein-rich foods are often more difficult to eat. Even the American Heart Association's recommendation of 6 ounces of cooked meat a day can be difficult to achieve, especially since the portions served are rarely so clearly in the nursing home kitchen. [You can delete this sentence:After a busy day, you're still left with the dilemma of what to do with the data that Maggie had only two bites of beef stew for lunch.]

How much better would be for staff to report that Maggie had exactly 75 grams of protein during the day? You could do this so easily, ensuring you get the contents of three small bottles shaped capsule. The capsules contain a lower dose of a drink, ready to drink that contains only 2.7 ounces - aboutthird of a cup - and yet it has 25 grams of protein and the full range of water soluble vitamins.

So many diseases, allergies and intolerances are caused or exacerbated by poor nutrition, and medical community knows that protein is often a key element of the solution.

More and more patients and professionals are turning to capsulized foods - nutrition in a compact form dense liquid - as part of an overall treatment plan or diet.

While taste reigns supreme for patientsefficiency is the concern of health professionals. "We have almost 160 beds in our Renal Care facilities, and the absorption of proteins is a crucial challenge for our patients.

Many serious illnesses require careful monitoring of protein intake. Patients with severe burns, for example, be subject to rapid degradation of muscle proteins, known as a loss. The body tries to stabilize automatically, but as a result, lean body mass (LBM) dramatically unless an alternative, easyavailable source of protein is present. Our lean body mass is our total tissue mass (muscle and organs), so it is easy to see why the control of this downward spiral is fundamental. Higher than normal protein intake for patients with severe burns is essential, but the balance is vital as excessive doses of protein can cause a buildup of urea and ammonia. This can cause nausea and vomiting, which can undo the achievements of supplemental protein. For this reason, it is essential that the patientand nurses have a consistent method for evaluating the accuracy of input proteins.

Similarly, the recovery of renal failure requires close monitoring of their protein intake. Treatment and recovery for which the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine level normalized. Both urea and creatinine are products of the digestion of proteins and, as with Maggie, these patients respond well to a supplement that is easy to consume.

Almostquarter of patients with cancer can be diagnosed as anorexic, a condition in which loss of appetite in the results of dramatic weight loss. If left unchecked, leads to anorexia, a condition called cachexia, where muscle mass is lost and the resulting progressive weakness can lead to premature death. Encourage studies using tissue-building proteins in the nutritional support has improved the condition of these patients. You can not cure cancer, but will improve the quality of their lives, increasing nutritionthe impact of the symptoms and reduce the possibility of secondary infections.

In tumors, the disease may be responsible for the provision of the digestive system lacks in its ability to convert foods properly. Patients with gastrointestinal tract diseases are especially at risk of malabsorbing nutrients, but it seems a balanced diet. However, there are millions of us who have abused our digestive system for life. Some doctors estimate that 90%of all diseases can be attributed to poor diet or faulty digestion. If we consider the poisons remain in our bodies - alcohol, chocolate, saturated fat, salt and caffeine - along with large amounts of stress, there is no doubt that our gastrointestinal tract may fail and then have a smaller capacity to correctly analyze proteins.

Maybe we should not wait until we are in 89 years, Maggie Tipton, to take a controlling stake inprotein plays an important role in our diet and our health.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hydrolyzed collagen protein hydration

Protein Hydrate is a Hydrolyzed Collagen that helps regulate the body's metabolic state by providing enzymatically digested collagen of low molecular weight that is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract. Provides important amino acids often missing in most diets. Normal food sources provide significant amounts of tryptophan, cystine, methionine and histidine, however, the protein hydration formula has high amounts of glycine, lysine, proline and often found in lowamounts or even absent in other food sources or supplements. Protein Hydrate becomes important as a dietary supplement (along with a normal diet of other proteins) since age induced wear increases connective tissue as we age.

This hydrate protein contains high levels of amino acid glycine, which helps the liver detoxify stored chemicals. E 'was also useful to speed recovery from injury.

This formula is a hydrolyzed animal collagenprotein powder from grass fed cows containing bioactive peptides. This protein formula works best when taken on an empty stomach away from food, then wait 20-30 minutes before eating anything. Can be mixed with fruit juice or hot tea, and is absorbed more quickly when mixed with other liquids that contain proteins or amino acids.

Hydrolyzed Collagen is exceptional because it has a molecular weight less than 1000, and this results in rapid extremely low birth weightabsorption in the intestinal tract.

The rapid rate of absorption and the characteristic spectrum of amino acids in this formula has a positive impact on a large number of metabolic pathways. It was discovered that many people experience an immediate positive effect by 18.5 minutes of consumption when taken on an empty stomach. For example, the tests were carried out with a number of individuals with 2 tablespoons juice mixture patented formula, and some of the effectsaccount within 15 minutes of consumption include: improved mental alertness, mental clarity, concentration and energy. Some people have experienced a short period of dizziness of 3-5 minutes, causing a sudden release of neurotransmitters in the brain, however, is not dangerous and goes quickly.

The long-term effects: supports repair of musculoskeletal injuries, reduces inflammation, improves hydration of the body's connective tissues, improves joint flexibility, improves signalinduction, improves sleep, reduces pain, improves cellular calcium uptake, increases metabolic rate and improves the quality of hair and nails.

Many athletes and bodybuilders take protein supplements regularly to support muscle repair and growth, however most protein supplements do not contain the raw materials needed by the body to repair corresponding connective tissue damage. Protein Hydrate Hydrolyzed Collagen taken as a dietary supplement that provides the relationship between amino acidsnecessary for the production of collagen. It also contains glucosamine natural hydrolyzed collagen and hyaluronic acid which supports connective tissue repair and provide moisturization and volumizing effects due to the natural ability of connective tissue to retain water.

Roland Moskowitz, MD, notes that partially hydrolyzed collagen has been used as food for at least a millennium. hydrolysed collagen products that are considered GRAS, generally regarded as safeFood and Drug Administration. Hydrolyzed collagen is now used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. That is considered a food with a high level of safety makes it useful for long-term use.

What is the role of collagen and hydrolyzed collagen, as we need? Due to the limited selection of foods in our diet and wear that occurs with strenuous activity and aging, many people rush important amino acids needed to makeCollagen. This can be a significant problem for people who participate in physical activity as athletes and construction workers.

Collagen is the most abundant fibrous protein in the body, but in a dietary supplement unprocessed collagen is not digestible. Protein Hydrate provides predigested collagen that contains free amino acids and fragments of peptides (small chains of amino acids) that are easily absorbed through the intestinal wallblood flow. These components are used by the body to create structures and regulate cellular functions. Up to 30% of all proteins in the body is collagen, and up to 70% of the protein in connective tissue composed of collagen. In the body, collagen is composed of specialized cells, ligaments, skin, bone and cartilage. The hydrated protein formula also provides additional value from the amino acids glycine and glutamine. Beryllium supports detoxification andglutamine helps the cells increase their levels of creatine molecule energy storage.

How it works

the body's natural ability to repair supporting connective tissue (bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin, hair and nails), an maintain hydration of the cells diminishes after age 25. Hydrolyzed collagen provides the missing link in the supply of additional quantities of amino acids like glycine, lysine and proline, which are specifically needed by the body tobuild connective tissue structures, and regulate cell functions. Therefore, free amino acids and small peptides of the protein hydration provides the advantages of easy digestion, rapid absorption and metabolism regulators.

What are the benefits?

In addition to providing certain missing nutritional links lacking in most dietary supplements, provides the specific amino acid building blocks needed to build and repair collagen.

For athletes and bodyBuilder: Supports muscle growth, increases metabolism, and provides the structural material and nutrients needed for repair of injuries (cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bones and discs).

Anti-Aging: Provides a positive nitrogen balance is important for nutritional support of children presented as degeneration of cartilage loss and damage collagen. This is an excellent food for individuals with a sedentary lifestyle, and very active.

Inflammation:provides nutritional support for people predisposed to repeated injury, joint pain and discomfort.

Arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis: it contains the amino acids necessary for healthy bones and joints.

skin tone: it provides essential nutrients and helps support skin strength, structure and thickness. Healthy skin retains moisture better and is more elastic and less prone to develop fine lines and wrinkles.

Hair: it provides nutritional support forhealthy hair.

Nails: Provides nutrients for strong nails.

Weight loss: many users have more energy, which promotes a more active lifestyle, thereby promoting weight loss.

Muscle tone and strength are compatible.

Exposure to toxic substances: the high glycine content of the formula aid liver detoxification.

Tissue hydration is supported.

In addition, many users report feeling more alert with improved concentration,balanced mood, energy and a greater sense of wellbeing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Getting rid of cellulite forever!

Getting rid of cellulite is even easier than you think. The fact is that cellulite is just fat that rises above the normal connective tissue has a different structure than other parts of the body that have cellulite.

Then, when fat stores are full of fat, connective tissue, adipose tissue strip to create the effect of dimples. It's kind of over-stuffing the couch. As a result, the best way to get rid of cellulite is to lose fat, simply! Cellulitecreams, pills and massage therapists are a total waste of money to not get caught by these scams!

If a genie suddenly appeared in front of you and is granted a wish and desire that has allowed him to change something in your body, what would it be? Some women may want a few pounds and the other a nice toned body, but get rid of cellulite is likely to want more and more popular!

Well, this article will show you exactly how to do this. Unfortunately, however,It will not happen immediately from the will of a genius, or even in a few days, but rest assured, if you follow the plan exactly as described you will be amazed at how quickly you can get rid of cellulite.

In fact, in a few weeks you get a radical transformation to get rid of cellulite. Hips, thighs and buttocks will be more shapely and toned than ever. In addition, natural feminine curves will be further strengthened. All you need is to take a decision firstwant to get rid of cellulite in your body. Therefore the commitment to do whatever it takes, and then follow through to take the necessary steps every day.

Let's face it, even if you know exactly what to do to get rid of cellulite without making a decision and move on to action, knowledge is useless. Although cover the actions you must take to get the desired look, it's up to you to make the decision and take the necessary measuresactions.

Getting rid of cellulite always requires a number of different strategies. The first strategy we consider is the area of ​​nutrition. Unfortunately, many people have no idea what kind of eating habits are necessary to lose body fat or cellulite.

"You can only eat healthy?" is a common question. Not exactly. The old saying "You are what you eat" is true when it comes to getting rid of cellulite.

To do this you need to keep your metabolismhigh or even better speed. The best way is to provide your body with small amounts of high quality protein throughout the day (ideally every 2-3 hours).

Protein provides the building blocks your body needs to maintain (or increase) its muscle mass. If you do not provide your body with frequent doses of protein, then it is likely to enter a catabolic state (negative nitrogen balance), so that your body breaks down the tissue of the lower body (protein)accumulates. This does not only affect the ability to lose fat (and cellulite), but also slows down the metabolism making it harder for fat loss.

Probably the easiest way to ensure you get the protein in each of the five meals a day is to add nuts or LSA (linseed, sunflower seeds, almonds), mix cereal, or egg on toast for breakfast .

Lunch and dinner are about 100 grams (about the size of a deck of cards) of fish, chicken or lean beef with vegetables orsalad. For your mid-morning and mid afternoon meals have a protein shake with maybe a piece of fruit.

By making this small change in diet, a protein is slightly higher and slightly lower in carbohydrates and fat, body composition changes automatically.

The next area should consider getting rid of cellulite is exercise. One of the most high-pitched and / or losing fat is the resistance (weight) training. Many people mistakenly believe thatWeight training to bulk up. If you can not bulk up "if you eat too much food, if the control of food intake does not occur. On the other hand, it is actually very difficult for women to increase their muscle mass, for a variety of reasons.

Implementation of weight training to maintain or slightly increase their muscle mass, not only helping the tone of efforts but also dramatically increase your metabolism (muscle tissue is metabolically more activebody), which will accelerate the process of burning body fat. This will help get rid of cellulite.

The other major benefit of weight training is offered which has been shown to prevent osteoporosis, which forces the body to the bones thicker and stronger.

For best results, select 5 of the following exercises and perform 2-3 sets of repetitions (25-30 repetitions per set) for training: squat lunge, step-up, hip extension, leg extension, leg curl, stiff leg deadlift, leg press,foot and calf raise seated calf. Do the exercises twice a week with at least 2 days rest between workouts. This training should be done, and other exercises for other parts of the body. [NOTE: always use the services of a personal trainer to learn to perform the exercises correctly.]

The other type of exercise that is useful for getting rid of cellulite is aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise. The main benefit is that aerobic exercisethe increase in calories (energy) costs, which means you can burn fat faster. You may have some very mild stimulant effects of muscle as well, but no where near as much weight.

For the best effect of fat burning aerobic exercise done at least 20-40 minutes every day. If you can not run every day at least 5 days a week. It is important to select the type of aerobic exercise you like and you can see yourself doing long term, it should satisfy you and yourlifestyle. The types of exercises that are great choices: machines walking, jogging, boxing, swimming, rowing, cycling, aerobics, step and elliptical.

To improve performance even more fat burning, taking a thermogenic, thermogenic and XLR8, before the meeting. A thermogenic will give an energy boost, which will help you to work harder during the session. Also force the body to release stored fat into the bloodstream, which can be used for workmuscles as fuel.

Other supplements that may increase the effects of creatine burns more fat, the removal of the agents of glucose (GDA) and GI-factor and thyroid support supplements such as MultiBoost.

If you get rid of cellulite for good, improve your health, lose weight and have a toned body are important to you, then seriously consider the inclusion of previous recommendations for lifestyle. You'll be glad you did!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Arginine - The side effect in creating a strong body Lean

At the time of day and age, that have become very cautious about what we put into our bodies. This is especially true for bodybuilders. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the body of a serious bodybuilder who has not been weighed, measured, analyzed and taken into serious consideration. Some bodybuilders also take the extreme and becomes obsessed with what is and is not happening in their bodies - and rightly so. Take, for example, the side effect of arginine.

While arginine has been shown to have a massbenefits for non-bodybuilders and bodybuilders alike, there are potential side effects must be considered. Most side effects, however, due to a health condition that already exists - before using supplements containing arginine L.

For example, if you have asthma, you can still make arginine, but must be administered by injection. People with asthma who ingest or inhale this supplement have found that the amino acid actually cause more inflammation in the lungs, and maylead to an asthma attack.

Although arginine is present naturally in the body, some people who are injected with this amino acid experienced an allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. The reaction may include shortness of breath and a rash and itching in the eyes of the contribution. What can you conclude from this is that if you have asthma and anaphylaxis occurs after being injected with arginine, it's a good supplement for you ... not because it is bad, but becauseyou can not get into your body safely.

Some people experience at least - no serious side effects with the use of arginine supplementation. These symptoms may include stomach pain or discomfort, stomach cramps, nausea, back pain, headaches, restless legs, numbness and redness. This is rare, but happens from time to time. In most cases, it's just a side effect change quickly, and does not preclude the use of these supplements.

It can not, however, be serious sideeffects of arginine. Again, most of these relate to other existing health conditions. This can cause low blood pressure, low sodium, high urea, high serum creatinine, chloride discharge, an increased risk of bleeding, increased levels of sugar in the blood and increased levels of potassium.

Note that this does not happen at all or even most people, and experience the side effects of this supplement is rare. Most healthy people do not have a sideeffect at all, and can handle pretty well, if injected, ingested or inhaled. He does, after all, are produced naturally in the body. By using a supplement, not only by increasing the amount in the body - and increasing the benefits that go with arginine.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What supplements are training and how to choose?

body building supplements are specially formulated to enhance the ability of the body and help in the process of building the body. Training sessions can be very difficult and have the extra energy needed to push its limits is necessary to achieve the goals outlined in the results of training. The increase in the level of training makes your body needs vitamins and minerals more, so your body can suffer from weakness, which in turn can impede muscle growth.

complements the work must be carefully chosenas the shape and tone the body, which influence learning outcomes. So if your only goal is to build muscle, you need to look in workout supplements such as pro-hormones, testosterone boosters, protein, whey and creatine. However, creating not only looks muscular exercises muscles the building, but also the stress of losing fat. Supplements that can help burn fat supplements are appetite, carb blocker, fat burners, stimulant-freeproducts.

Best Bodybuilding Supplements

The range of products available in the form of body building supplements is quite extensive. However, the main categories are extracted from body builder protein supplements, supplements, glutamine and creatine.

Protein Supplements

Protein supplements are used by body builders because of its ability to increase muscle mass. Mainbuilders take protein supplements in the first place because they are very effective in improving athletic performance. Training is necessary to induce stress due to the need to obtain the desired results. The intake of protein supplements helps to reduce stress factors. Cortisol is a hormone that is aggravated by stress, which is a negative factor as it destroys the muscles, which are actually training to increase. Protein supplements to reduce cortisol, thereby promoting the building of muscle, thus establishingmuscle destruction.

When choosing food sources of protein, the most important aspect is to test the biological value (BV). The proteins that have the highest BV allow the body to absorb more nitrogen, and this in turn contributes to a better building muscle mass. Whey protein is a protein source, much preferred because it has the highest BV (104) and only egg protein (BV 100) may approach it.

Although there are many natural foods are good sources of protein, the bodymanufacturers prefer protein powders, because they are a good source of high quality protein without increasing fat intake. The powder is mixed with milk and drank at the end of the session. Prepare a complete meal protein is a long time so it offers a faster solution.

Natural sources of protein foods such as salmon or beef can be costly, and protein supplements lower cost. They do not require refrigeration and are portable. Most of them are available asisolates, concentrates, mixes, meal replacements and weight gainers. protein supplements on the market are important MyoFusion Gaspari, VPX Syngex Protein, Pure Whey Isolate GNM, LG Sciences Lipotropic Protein, carbohydrates and proteins VPX Zero. However, the intake of protein supplements should be carefully adjusted to the desired results in improving the muscles quickly. I need 'to have a source of food or protein supplements at every meal. Protein qualitysupplement should be limited to 0.8 to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.

Glutamine Supplements

Glutamine is one of the most essential supplements for the physical body by protecting the muscle from the harmful effects of the hormone cortisol. It has been proven to help build muscles and also based the strength of the body's immune system against diseases. It is therefore important to note that glutamine is available in several food sources, such asprotein, milk and meat also, but when the formation of the series, as food sources alone can not compensate the level of glutamine (found in the blood and skeletal muscle) needed in the body later. So you need to take supplements to replenish glutamine levels are depleted during training. Will prevent muscle deterioration that can occur when the tissues that need glutamine, take glutamine is stored in muscle cells.

The fiveGlutamine supplements on the market include CELLMASS BSN, Higher Power L-Glutamine, Xyience NOX CG3, CytoSport Muscle Milk RTD and Prolab N-Large II. Glutamine supplementation to ensure a quicker recovery after training and aid in muscle building because of its greater ability to synthesize protein and nitrogen absorption. Bodybuilders and athletes take supplements of glutamine, because they help prevent muscle breakdown and allow the production synthesis of new muscle proteins.Hormones increase the body's growth and strengthen the immune system.

Creatine supplements

Creatine is found naturally in foods of animal origin such as meat, tuna and salmon, but these alone are not sufficient demand, when you want to gain lean muscle mass. Creatine supplementation helps the body improve performance so that you can go into greater training intensity, lift heavier weights and the training is much more difficult to obtainresults.

Creatine increases the intake of protein and amino acids intake results show good muscle size. And "well known among professional athletes that combines creatine can significantly increase athletic performance and even physical force. Taking supplements of creatine can help you earn up to four pounds per week in less time. Creatine manages the muscle acidity, that muscles do not tire easily. It also regulates calciumlevels in muscle contractions so that adjustments can be made. creatine supplementation can increase muscle cell membranes and have a natural ability to repair themselves and allow them to grow more efficiently. However, considering that creatine supplements should be regulated, and that may adversely affect the kidneys and liver. Creatine supplements available in the popular market include Muscletech Cell-Tech Hardcore, NOX JetFUSE German AmericanTechnologies, GlycerGrow by Controlled Labs, Universal Nutrition Micronized Creatine MuscleTech Hardcore and CREAKIC.

Probiotics - Probiotic supplements for better digestion of proteins, which can be hard to break and are used by body builders because they help you get more energy from protein supplements such as bars, powders or shakes consumption . Probiotics are supplements available in capsules, powders and shakes. ImportantFinally Flora probiotic supplements include Critical Care 50 billion, Dr Ohhira's Probiotics 12 Plus, PB 8, probiotics high power, and Jarro Dophilus EPS. You should take probiotic supplements available in capsule form, as they have higher levels of bacteria than their counterparts in powder or shakes.

Pre-Workout Supplements

Most body builders often take supplements pre-workout energy that can keep them because they want to go through training routine tests. L 'supplements are specially formulated with ingredients that boost energy and even increasing muscle mass or strong, muscular, tough. intensive training sessions of the body can cause a person reached a plateau, because they feel they are not getting the results they wanted through the exercise. Supplementation of pre-training body contributes to the support or resistance that is necessary to go beyond their limits and help them achieve their fitness results.

Pre-Workout Supplements Review

pre-workout supplements that can be considered are:
LG Sciences Anadraulic State GT - This supplement is very effective in promoting muscle growth and the key is the ability to create the compound that is highly sought after androgen for muscle growth.

Quake Scivation 10.0 - This supplement has been scientifically proven that the gains of the ingredients in support of lean muscle mass. Offer intense energy and help improvemental focus and concentration.

USPLabs jacked - This supplement provides a good energy for intense workouts and no problems such as headache, blocked or lack of training. Users will find that, while having more energy and strength to handle routine training exercise, these supplements also give perfect focus and training on the pumps and vascularity is never out of control.

BSN NO-Xplode - This supplement is the most popularmarket due to its ability to improve both physical and mental energy. The main feature is that it has a strong array of creatine may cause an increased flow of blood to the muscle, which means you can get the results you want from your workout.

MuscleTech NaNO Vapor - This supplement to allow athletes to get the best from your workouts with "the complex art of the state that allow you to gain hard muscle in a short period of time.

IfBody Building Supplements really beneficial?
body building supplements are very effective because they improve performance and provide energy and endurance that is necessary to achieve the necessary results of training. They are considered better than steroids, because they do not alter the natural levels of the hormone the body. However, it is important to bear in mind that bodybuilding supplements are just that - supplements. Theycan be taken in addition to, but can not become a substitute for real food, and so, before deciding for them, is essential to determine whether to make any changes to the normal diet can achieve the results they provide. There are many supplements, herbal or natural, but be aware that it can be hazardous or cause unpleasant side effects of taking them.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Top 10 must have Bodybuilding Supplements

Muscle mass is the accumulation of the goal of most bodybuilding supplements. It also helps to burn quickly in a fast time. Today, there are a lot of bodybuilding supplements on the market, which makes confuse people of what will be best for them.

According to the study, bodybuilding supplements are commonly used by bodybuilders:

1. Protein

This type of integration is in powder form, which is a necessary element in the muscle. The consumption ofsupplements are often carried out immediately after training or join a food. There are four types of proteins:

- Serum - This is considered the most popular type of protein.

- Casein - intake of this helps in quick recovery from injury

- Soya - this type of protein includes all vital elements of amino acids.

- Egg (white part) - this is an important protein that has no milk.

2. The PLM or meal replacement products

PLM can come in two forms - Drinksmixture or in the bar. This type of bodybuilding supplement has high amounts of protein, less or no fat at all, less carbohydrates and includes different types of minerals and vitamins.

3. Creatine

This type of bodybuilding supplement provides energy to muscle cells to create "quick burst of energy." Moreover, creatine also decreases the ability of an individual to develop cellular dysfunction.

"Creatine monohydrate is the most usedbodybuilding supplement creatine category.

4. Maltodextrin

Maltodextrin is a type of complex carbohydrate that is used for a person to undergo the rigorous demands of extreme training. Although it is a type of carbohydrate, its functions are rapid degradation of the enzymatic process.

This type of integration can be added to beverages that are helpful for "post training replacement reserve carbohydrates."

5. Testosterone Booster

This type ofbodybuilding supplement is said to increase strength and increase muscle mass. However, testosterone boosters that are used for bodybuilding supplement is not recommended for young bodybuilders.

There are different types of testosterone boosters ZMA, Viral, "tribulus terrestris, Avena sativa and Red Kat.

6. Glutamine

If you want to gain "quality muscles" then glutamine is said to be known for that. In addition, glutamine is said to restore sideamino acids that have been used during training.

You can purchase glutamine as an instant powder soluble.

7. Vanadium

Vanadium is believed to increase the efficiency of carbohydrate consumption, this increase results in greater retention of nitrogen for bodybuilders.

8. Leucine

Leucine is considered an important amino acid that is widely used by bodybuilders who are undergoing hard training. With the help of leucine, glutamine levels in the bodynormalized after promoting "anti-catabolic metabolism" of muscles and strengthens the immune system.

9. Essential fatty acids

Education for All is ultimately a kind of bodybuilding supplement to help in the production of energy, burning fat, proper development of brain tissue and nerves, and the regulation of mood.

Essential fatty acids are available in two types: (1) Omega 3, which includes most of fish oils and vegetable oil, and (2) Omega 6 orMost vegetable oils.

10. Glucosamine

Glucosamine is an amino sugar type. rigorous training damaged tissue can be repaired with glucosamine. However, bodybuilders seafood-allergic should stay away from this type of bodybuilding supplement because it can trigger the allergy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Interpreting the results of blood tests

No need to go to medical school, if you understand the results of blood tests. In fact, it's good that you are taking an interest in their health. However, it is important to know in advance that the laboratory tests are not diagnostic tools and diagnostics. These tests are designed to provide your physician or health care professional with information to help you better understand and maintain good health. Therefore, a general rule, when scanning through the results of blood testsnot overreact and not just interpret the results. Even if you learn the meaning of numbers, remember there are many factors that make the numbers what they are, not least of which include - family history, age, race, drugs, the current system, the style life, sex, etc.

A blood test is the most common Chem 7, tests of seven types of chemicals in the blood. Glucose measures the level of blood sugar and this is used as means for detecting diabetes or an endocrine disorder. BUN or BUN indicates kidney function. Carbon dioxide (CO2) refers to the level of CO2 (as bicarbonate) is indicative of how the lungs and kidneys to handle the levels of bicarbonate in the blood. Creatinine is associated with normal muscle breakdown (refers to blood pressure, kidney problems and muscle-related). serum chloride (IC) testing chlorine levelsBlood>. Chloride helps keep the blood pH. Serum potassium (K) evidence of potassium in the blood. Potassium is linked to muscle contraction and cellular function. serum sodium (Na) tests for sodium in the blood. Excess sodium is excreted by the kidneys.

Among the other blood tests CBC (complete blood count), which is basically white blood platelets and red, hemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume. Remember, being outside thenormal is not necessarily bad for you. There is a tolerance factor for each type of test. Whatever the outcome may be, make sure to discuss with your health care provider.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bodybuilding Diet and nutrition advice - Fundamentals of Bodybuilding Nutrition and Dietetics


A key component of the formula for success is the bodybuilding nutrition. Nutrition is what gives us the raw material recovery, energy and growth. Without a good diet, your dreams of achieving the ideal body will never be reached.

This article explains the features of a good diet and strength training also covers the macronutrients we need every day, and in order to gain muscle and lose fat.

Characteristics of aGood nutrition program

1) It should favor smaller and frequent meals throughout the day rather than large and infrequent. Why? Because when you feed your body several times a day, increase your metabolism. Therefore, you burn more fat. Frequent feedings are of particular importance since after three to four hours of no food your body move to the catabolic state (a state where you lose fat and gain muscle!).

The agency believes that is hungry and starts feedingsame in muscle tissue and prepares to store calories as fat. Bad scenario! Therefore, to make the program work, you eat between meals 04/06 (depending on gender and goals) a day spaced 2-3 hourly intervals.

2) Each meal should have carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the correct proportions. Having a meal that is not balanced (for example, all carbohydrates) will not produce the desired results. Every macronutrient has to be present so that the body absorbsand use them correctly. Not bored with the effect of food on the biochemistry of the body, we say that if you only eat carbohydrates in one meal without anything else, the energy levels is blocked in about 30 minutes and your body will store any carbohydrates are not used to fat. Conversely, if you only eat protein, lack of energy and your body will not be able to transform the protein into muscle because it is difficult for the body to absorb protein in thethe absence of carbohydrates. Moreover, the coefficients of each particular macronutrient was adjusted to achieve desired results. The relationship between our diet will look like:

40% carbohydrate

40% protein

20% fat

Note that each serving of carbohydrates, you get a portion of the protein. You can use Bill Phillips Method of creating dishes that is to have a portion of carbohydrates as the amount of food the size of your fist and aportion of the protein as the amount of food the size of the palm open.

3) The calories should be recycled. I strongly believe in caloric cycling as it does not allow the metabolism gets used to a certain level of calories, which leads to stagnant results.

Therefore, bodybuilders in search of just muscle mass should follow 5 days of high calories (lean body mass x 15) with two days of lower caloric intake (lean body mass x12). Bodybuilders in search of losing fat while buildingmuscles at the same time, you should follow 5 days of lower caloric intake (lean body mass x12) with 2 days of higher calories (lean body mass x 15).

Note: If you build muscle and lose fat at the same time, not gain muscle as fast as you would if you focus on muscle mass. However, it comes to achieving the two goals scored at the same time.

People interested in sculpting the body (which is the loss of muscle building with a moderate amount of fat enough to fall to 10% body fat for men and12-13% for women) should alternate between two weeks of lower calories (around 2000 men and 1200 women) and two weeks more calories (about 2500 men and 1500 women). These caloric intakes assume a normal level of activity that includes only the formation of body sculpting. Those of you who participate in activities such as marathons or heavy physical labor jobs need to adjust your calories upwards accordingly mainly in the form of carbohydrates to sustain higher levelsactivities.

What is a diet?

While the word "diet" brings these images of pain and hunger in mind most people, is simply a dietary food choices you make daily. So if you eat french fries and soft drinks throughout the day, which is your diet.

No matter what diet you follow, there are three macronutrients that are present in one form or another in all cases. Understand what the role of nutrients, how to obtain them, and how to consume in a daybase will lead to bodybuilding and fitness results you're looking for.

Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

There are three macronutrients that the human body needs to function properly. These are the macronutrients and bodybuilding or fitness diet.

1) Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body. When you ingest carbohydrates your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is very important because:

A) In a verysimplistic level, it takes carbohydrates and stored in the muscle or stores them as fat (assuming that carbohydrates are not needed for energy at the moment and assuming that both muscle and liver stores are full).

B) A need for amino acids (proteins) and carries inside the muscle cell for recovery and repair.

Most people who are overweight and are low fat / high carbohydrate diets got into that condition because you are eating too muchcarbohydrates. Too many carbohydrates cause a huge release of insulin. Too much insulin in the body, your body becomes a fat storing machine.

Therefore, it is important not to eat carbohydrates than necessary and that eating the right amount of carbohydrates.

Now that we've talked about the importance of having the right amount of carbohydrates, we talk about what are the best sources of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are divided intocomplex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. The complex carbohydrates give you energy now ("release time"), while the simple carbohydrates gives instant energy. It is recommended that you eat complex carbohydrates, mainly during the day until after the workout that your body needs simple carbohydrates to replenish its glycogen levels immediately, something that helps a faster muscle recovery and reconstruction . The following is a list of good sourcesCarbohydrates:

Complex carbohydrates:

There are two types:

1) starch, oat flour (1 cup), potatoes (8 oz baked), potatoes (8 oz baked), rice (1 cup cooked), pasta (8oz cooked), corn (1 cup canned) , peas (2 cups cooked). Each serving equals approximately 40-50 grams of carbohydrates.

2) Fibrous: Broccoli (1 / 2 cup first), carrots (1 cup first), cauliflower (1 / 2 cup first), green beans (1 / 2 cup first), lettuce (5 cups raw) , mushrooms (3 / 4 cup first), pepper (1 / 2 cup first)spinach (3-1/2 cups first), squash (1 cup raw). Each serving equals about 6 grams of carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates:

Grapes apples (1 apple), bananas (1 banana), grapefruit (grapefruit 1), (22 grapes), oranges (1-1/2 orange), pears (1 pear), pineapple (3 / 4 cup).
Each serving equals approximately 20-25 grams of carbohydrates.

2) Proteins

All tissues in your body is composed of proteins (eg, muscles, hair, skin and nails). Proteins are the buildingblocks of muscle tissue. Without it, building muscle and burning fat efficiently would be impossible. Its importance is crucial. Protein also helps increase your metabolism every time you eat by 20%! It also causes carbohydrates to free time, so just to get energy during the day.

Everyone involved in a weight training program should consume between 1 gram of protein and 1.5 grams of protein per kilo of lean body mass (meaning that if you're 100 pounds. And10% body fat, you should consume at least 90 g of protein since your lean body mass = 90 lbs.). Nobody should consume more than 1.5 grams per kilo of lean body mass, as it is unnecessary and the extra protein can become fat.

Good examples of protein are eggs (I use egg substitute: 1-1/2 cups liquid), chicken breast (cooked, skinless and boneless: 6 oz), Turkey (cooked, skinless and boneless : 6 oz), lean (90% lean) red meats (6 oz), and tuna (6 oz.) Each portion is35-40 grams of protein.

3) healthy fats

All cells in the body have some fat in them. Hormones are produced from fats. Fat also lubricate the joints. So if you eliminate the fat from your diet, your hormonal production will drop and a series of chemical reactions will stop. Your body then begins to accumulate more body fat than usual so you have enough fat to keep working. Since testosterone production is stopped, sobuilding muscle. Therefore, to have an efficient metabolism we need fat.

There are three types of fats: saturated fat, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

a fat) Saturated: Saturated fats are associated with heart disease and high cholesterol. They are found mostly in animal products. However, some vegetable fats are altered in a way that increases the amount of saturated fats in them by a chemical process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenatedvegetable oils are generally found in packaged foods. In addition, cocunut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil, often used in packaged foods and non-dairy creams are very saturated.

b) Polyunsaturated fats: Fats that do not affect cholesterol levels. Most fats in vegetable oils like corn, cotton, safflower, soybean and sunflower oil are polyunsaturated.

c) Monounsaturated Fats: Fats that have a positive effect on wellcholesterol levels. These fats are usually high in essential fatty acids may have antioxidant properties. The sources of these fats are fish oils, olive oil, canola oil, flaxseed and olive oil. We like to refer to these types of fats as good fats.

Twenty percent of calories should come from good fats. Any less than 20% and hormone production decreases. Any more than 20% and start accumulating plenty of fat. The way my fat is to take a teaspoon of flax seedOil three times a day (I put in my protein shakes).

Good sources of fat are canola oil (a tablespoon), natural peanut butter (2 tablespoons), olive oil (1 tablespoon), flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon) and fish oil (one tablespoon). Each serving contains about 14 grams of fat. Alternatively, you can get these good fats, such as Education for All Products Labrada EFA Lean.


Water is by far the most abundant substance in our body. Without water, theresurvive for long. Most people who come to me for advice on how to stay in shape, almost always underestimate the value of water.

Water is good for the following reasons:

1) Over 65% of their body is composed of water (most of the muscle cell is water).

2) Water cleanses the body of toxins and pollutants that might harm.

3) Water is necessary for all the complex chemical reactions that the body needs to perform on a daily basis. Processes such as energyproduction, muscle building and fat burning require water. The lack of water could stop all these processes.

4) Water helps lubricate joints.

5) When the outside temperature is up, water serves as coolant for the temperature of the body to where it belongs.

6) Water helps control appetite. Sometimes when you feel hungry after a good meal this sensation indicates a lack of water. Drinking water at that time was to make like an ostrich.

7)Cold water increases metabolism.

To find out how much water your body needs a day, simply multiply the lean body mass 0.66. This would indicate how many ounces of water you need in a day.

Sample bodybuilding diet for men

Meal 1 (07:00)
1 cup dry oats mixed with water

1 cup Egg Beaters

4 caps Labrada EFA Lean Gold

Meal 2 (09:00)
Meal replacement packet like Labrada Lean is mixed with water or a protein powder like Pro V60 (withabout 40 grams of protein) mixed with 40 grams of carbohydrate in the cream of rice, flour or oatmeal.
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil (Spectrum brand is best)

Eating 3 (12 hours)
1 cup of rice or baked potato of medium size, or 1 cup oatmeal

2 cups green beans, broccoli or any vegetable you want

6.8 grams of chicken, turkey or lean fish

4 caps Labrada EFA Lean Gold

Meal 4 (15:00)

Same as meal 2

Meal 5 (06:00)

1 cup brown rice orbaked potato of medium size, or 1 cup oatmeal

2 cups green beans, broccoli or any vegetable you want

6.8 grams of chicken, turkey or lean fish

4 caps Labrada EFA Lean Gold

Meal 6 (20:00)

Same as meal 2

Bodybuilding supplements for men recommended basic

(Essential to take)

Definitely be sure to cover at least the basics of supplementation which are a multiple vitamin and mineral formula, 3 grams of vitamin C, divided into equal threeportions during the day, 200 mcg of chromium picolinate and essential fatty acids as fish oils, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, or EFA Lean Labrada. Moreover, to facilitate the replacement of food, such as Labrada Lean Body, or a protein powder like Pro V60 is a great way to add valuable calories and nutrients to your diet.

Supplementation to improve performance

(Recommended for hard training bodybuilders who want to make the most of theirprogram}

In addition to these basic supplements, I also recommend creatine and glutamine as these two supplements offer many of the same properties as anabolic steroids (eg, increased recovery, increased strength, increased glycogen levels, the system improves immune synthesis of nitrogen above) without the side effects because they are not hormones. Furthermore, nitric oxide accelerators can help. (Note: A product that is very good all these elementsSuper Charge! Xtreme).

Sample Bodybuilding Diet For Women

Meal 1 (07:00)
1 / 2 cup dry oats mixed with water

1 / 2 cup egg beaters

2 caps Labrada EFA Lean Gold

Meal 2 (09:00)

Meal replacement packet like Labrada lean body for mixing with water or a protein powder like Pro V60 (with about 20 grams of protein) mixed with 20 grams of carbs from cream of rice, bran or oatmeal .

1 / 2 tablespoon of flaxseed oil (Spectrum brand isBest)

Eating 3 (12 hours)

1 / 2 cup brown rice, baked potato or medium size, or 1 cup oatmeal

2 cups green beans, broccoli or any vegetable you want

6 ounces of chicken, turkey or lean fish

2 caps Labrada EFA Lean Gold

Meal 4 (15:00)

Same as meal 2

Meal 5 (06:00)

1 / 2 cup brown rice, baked potato or medium size, or 1 cup oatmeal

2 cups green beans, broccoli or any vegetable you want

6 ounces of chicken,turkey or lean fish

2 caps Labrada EFA Lean Gold

Meal 6 (20:00)

Same as meal 2

Recommended basic bodybuilding supplements for women

(Essential to take)

Definitely be sure to cover at least the basics of supplementation which are a multiple vitamin and mineral formula, 3 grams of vitamin C, divided into three equal portions throughout the day, the extra calcium (preferably calcium citrate for better absorption) 200 mcg of chromium picolinate, and essential fatty acidsacids from both fish oils, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or EFA Lean Body Gold. In addition, to facilitate meal replacement or protein powder is a great way to add valuable calories and nutrients to your diet. For more information about this topic, please refer to my article on Bodybuilding Supplementation Basics.

Hugo Rivera, CFT, SPN, the Board, life is a natural bodybuilder, multi certified personal trainer, industry consultant and fitness expert who not onlyknow the theory of training and nutrition, but also applies to daily, as evidenced by the fact that he is in good shape and high awards and placements in numerous national competitive bodybuilding. It is also internationally known fitness author with a very successful franchise of books "The Body Sculpture Bibles" which collectively sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why do you need to take health supplements?

Are you one of those who think "Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. It is not necessary to take health supplements?"

Think again!

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reversed a stand of 30 years in power the medical device when Fletcher and Fairfield, in 2002 stated that "most people do not consume an optimal amount of vitamins by diet alone ... it is prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements. "

The government study shows that the zero percent of the population has 100percent of the recommended daily nutrients. A normal person does not consume the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables 7.5. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) shows that 93% of Americans get enough vitamin E, 56% do not have enough magnesium, 44% is not enough vitamin A and 31% is not enough vitamin C.

Why we're not getting enough vitamins and minerals from our food?

1. Poor diet

lifestyle - most people today lead ahectic lifestyle. Do not have time to adequately prepare their food. Most of the people to come to the wrong foods - fast food and processed foods that are high in sugar, high salt, high fat, preservatives, fruits too and is not sufficient and vegetables, cereals, vegetable proteins.

wrong amount of food - most people eat more these days in part. The service is now three to four times normal size.

Eating at the wrong time - Most people eat a large meal fordinner just before bed, skip breakfast and run.

Drinking too much coffee - Caffeine is filtered calcium, potassium, zinc, iron and B group vitamins

2. common practices that affect food quality

-Kitchen - Nutrients are lost in the kitchen. Cooking for a long period of time results in loss of vitamins. Potassium, calcium and sodium are lost if vegetables are boiled in salted water and if the cooking water is discarded. If the fat is fried more than once, which could contain toxic substances.

-Foodtreatment - cutting, washing and freezing may cause loss of nutrients.

Dry on rice and legumes can lead to loss of water soluble vitamins such as thiamin and nicotinic acid.

-Cut the vegetables into small pieces and exposed to air can cause loss of vitamin C.

The freezing meat can cause a 50% to 90% of vitamin B to lose.

Food processing reduces fatty acids, B vitamins and minerals.

-Fruits and vegetables lose their nutrients duringtransport.

"The fruits are not fresh. Many are collected and stored for several months in cold storage. Nutrients are lost during storage.

3. The soil is depleted of nutrients

Crop rotation is very important in agriculture. Balanced soil fertility and add nutrients to the soil. But in modern times, intensive agriculture is practiced most of the crop rotation because it allows to significantly increase production.

Modern agriculture produces more calories perhectares, but produces crops with less nutrients. To get the same nutrients consumed in 1948 by an apple, you have to eat three apples today. Modern agriculture requires the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The nitrogen-rich fertilizers to compete for healthy soils and dramatically increase environmental pollution. An average person consumes 10 pounds of pesticides and herbicides per year.

4. Medicine, antibiotics and caffeine reduces the vitamin in our storebodies and interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Our body needs all the essential vitamins and minerals.

"Chromium is needed to promote healthy insulin function and glucose metabolism.

"Selenium promotes prostate health and antioxidant support.

-Calcium, magnesium and boron promotes bone mineralization.

-Zinc, copper and manganese promotes fertility.

With minerals and vitamins for the loss of much through different ways, as mentioned above, is stronglyrecommends that everyone take supplements.

But she gets more than 12,000 calories for the recommended 200 mcg of chromium?
Instead it is 0.5 kg of sardines or 1 kg of pancreas to obtain 30 mg of CoQ10?
But it has 5000 calories to get 400 IU of vitamin E?

Or take some supplements? Isotonix supplements, especially with fast delivery and best results and good taste!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Colloidal Minerals: Trace minerals missing from our diet, found in older plants

Living a healthy lifestyle is a major challenge in our lives today. Despite all the hype of a healthy diet, exercise, and supplements a number of good health in the true sense of the word is still a concern for us all. All attempts to free our bodies from disease that results in success or partially or to some other side effects. Whenever the concept of a healthy mind in a healthy body escapes us. To understand why this happens, we get an idea of ​​what constitutes humanbody and how it works.

colloidal minerals and trace minerals suspended in a liquid.

The human system requires various nutrients and micro nutrients to function properly. Some of these micro-nutrients are minerals which are vital for the proper functioning of the body. Colloidal minerals are necessary to maintain the delicate cellular fluid balance, to form bone cells and blood, to provide for electrochemical nerve activity, and to regulate muscle tone and activity(Including the muscles of the body like heart, stomach, liver, etc.) Any imbalance in minerals due to a malfunction, which in scientific terms is called a disease. This is important to note that while our body is able to synthesize certain essential compounds in itself is not capable of synthesizing its own minerals.

These minerals must therefore be supplied through diet or supplements. However, modern lifestyles and unhealthy food can run outproviding an adequate supply of these trace minerals. In the case of processed foods, which are very much in vogue these days the filter processing valuable trace minerals required by our body therefore, need for integration. A normal diet does not contain the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of most colloidal minerals, which makes supplementation is crucial.

Research shows that an inadequate supply of trace minerals leads to a variety of diseases including depression, back pain,arthritis, indigestion, mental health and cardiovascular disease. Not surprisingly, these studies also show mineral deficiency to inadequate food diet ---- who are poor in nutrients, highly processed foods like white flour, refined sugar and unhealthy fats.

Thus we see that colloidal minerals are essential micronutrients exogenous origin for the proper performance of many functions within the human body. These atomic particles are essential for the maintenance of tissues,energy production, hormone synthesis and repair cell damage. Colloidal Minerals also commonly associated with enzymes - proteins produced by living cells complex - to catalyze biochemical reactions. Trace minerals also help reduce the risk of all types of infections because they provide valuable support to the immune system.

Coming to supplementation, the issue of bio-availability is of great importance. In short, these minerals are not acceptable for human beingsbody in rough shape. If taken as such, can cause toxicity. Therefore, must take into account many factors that can alter the absorption of minerals, including general health status, interaction with other nutrients, the presence of other diseases and conditions, age and type of delivery.

Fortunately, the absorption of minerals can be increased in most people, learning to take extra minerals, improving diet, getting adequate exercise, nutrition, rest and reduction ofstress.

Absorption is the key to the absorption of colloidal minerals. If trace minerals are extracted from the hard rock minerals, the assumption is not natural and can be toxic. minerals, trace elements normally used in plant, soil, through roots, leaves or fruit. The consumption of the edible part of the plant allows the colloidal mineral to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The discovery of ancient plants rich in minerals have been discovered and are now availablecolloidal mineral solution. The body easily assimilates these colloidal minerals which are of plant origin. This natural form of minerals is preferred by the body and does not cause toxicity when taken in recommended amounts.

The following is a list of minerals that should be in your choice of a colloidal mineral supplement:

Aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, bismuth, boron, bromine, cadmium, calcium, carbon, cerium, cesium, chloride, chromium, cobalt,Copper, dysprosium, erbium, europium, fluorine, gadolinium, gallium, germanium, gold, hafnium, holmium, hydrogen, Indio, iodine, iridium, iron, lanthanum, lead, lithium, lutetium, magnesium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, neodymium , nickel, niobium, nitrogen, osmium, oxygen, palladium, phosphorus, platinum, potassium, praseodymium, rhodium, rubidium, ruthenium, samarium, scandium,
Selenium, silicon, silver, sodium, strontium, sulfur, tantalum, tellurium, terbium, thallium,Thorium, Tulio, Tulio, tin, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, ytterbium, yttrium, zinc and zirconium.

Find more of these minerals in colloidal mineral supplement derived from plants.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rapid muscle growth

In the human body, muscle tissue has a unique property, its growth is regulated by a feedback mechanism and reversal of this mechanism is initiated by the amount of stress that muscle has to endure.

This implies that more effort is put into a muscle, the fastest growing muscle itself will result.

However, this is not the only factor that plays a role in muscle growth. You need other things as well as the abundant supply of nutrients, such ascarbohydrates and proteins. Proteins are the most important, because this is what the muscle is composed, and carbohydrates are energy reserves are stored in muscles and is used for muscle activity.

What is most essential for muscle growth is possible is a "positive nitrogen balance." If the body's metabolism is in general a positive nitrogen balance that leads to muscle growth or hypertrophy compensation. A negative nitrogen balance forOn the other hand, leads to a decrease in body weight.

With the development of all these factors in a healthy and optimally, it is possible to achieve rapid muscle growth.

However, taking into account all of these basic mechanisms related to muscle growth, which can alter or intervene optimally at specific points to ensure proper muscle growth and fast. Yes, this is certainly possible.

In any case, be very careful about how to approach the available options. BestI would consult your doctor or trainer before embarking on his quest towards a fit body, healthy and beautiful.

A good way to start is to get some basic information about your body. Stupid as it sounds, but it is very important. Has weighed in the balance and record your current weight with the date. Give your measured limb circumference.

This is also necessary if you are aiming at building muscle strength. places in the bodyto measure the circumference of the arm and chest circumference of inflation and deflation. Once you start your fitness program and the growth of muscle you have to make these measurements at regular intervals. The advantage is being able to decide precisely whether the current exercise protocol is showing positive results.

Another important aspect of rapid muscle growth and nutrition. This plays an important role in the time it takes to build a particular muscle group. Feedbackthe model of your current diet history. Consult a dietitian and tell you how to eat healthy. You have to make some adjustments in your eating habits. For example, any system with muscle growth, it is essential that the diet has a higher percentage of protein. Among other things, that have a diet high in carbohydrates bit 'of time before beginning a rigorous physical activity daily.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to increase sperm count - Get the right foods to increase sperm

Many men are willing to increase your sperm count. Couples in the hope of a child also wants to increase the number of human sperm, but sperm count is not the only factor. The sperm quality is too important. So how can increase the sperm of these men and also make sure the sperm is of good quality?

There are several things men can do to improve the quality and quantity of sperm. These include not wearing tight underwear, eating foods that increase sperm countquit, and have a healthy lifestyle.

Let us now discuss some of the foods that can improve sperm count. There are many foods that can increase sperm count, including a large number of vegetables and fruits. Some examples are:


Ginseng is a plant found in many parts of Asia, especially in Korea. There are several types of ginseng and all have the effect of increasing the sperm count. You can eat ginseng after processing somehow. Many peopleginseng use as a base for soup or you can pour boiling water over dried ginseng, such as tea, liquor and beverages associated with it.


The orange is a fruit of many people like him. Orange is one of the many fruits that can increase sperm count. Orange extract containing vitamin C can help increase sperm count.

Green tea

Green tea extract also helps increase sperm count. Another benefit of green tea extract is that it can make you feel relaxed, so if you drink green teaget a double benefit!


lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C, may also increase the number of sperm.

These are some natural foods that can help increase sperm count. If you regularly consume foods listed above, you can get the best results. However, besides the good food you eat, there are elements that should be avoided, such as broccoli, coffee, chocolate, asparagus, onion, garlic, and red meat.

There are certain substances that can helpincrease the number of sperm. These are: calcium, creatine, fructose, magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12 and zinc.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Complete Metabolic Profile Testing Lab

You know what blood test is CMP? It is characterized by complete or comprehensive metabolic profile metabolic profile and is usually ordered by doctors to check the status of the blood proteins, blood sugar, acid-base balance, electrolytes, liver and kidneys. If the readings of the results reveal abnormalities, the doctor may perform additional tests to give an accurate diagnosis.

The CMP test is actually a group of tests and each test has a specific destination current procedural terminology code. The workshops are free to adjust the tests, if deemed appropriate. E 'vital that you know CPT codes as you used when you file claims with the insurance provider. In the U.S., testing has been standardized.

The CMP can be tested for glucose, calcium, protein (albumin and total protein), electrolytes (sodium, potassium, CO2, and chloride), tests of kidney (blood urea nitrogen> Creatinine) and liver function tests (alkaline phoshate, alanine aminotransferase or SGPT, SGOT or aspartate aminotransferase and bilirubin). It is important that an increase or decrease of glucose or calcium is determined. This is true even with the total protein were measured as albumin and other proteins.

When there is an imbalance in electrolytes, may indicate acute and chronic diseases. In most cases, electrolyte test is done with other testsand rarely ordered individually. If there is an increase in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine in the blood may mean that the kidneys are not working well. When tests show a high concentration of AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase in the blood may indicate liver dysfunction or disease.

Once the medical claims of the CMP, one must ask whether it is necessary to fast before blood is taken from the arm. Follow your doctor's instructionsprofessional to the test can provide reliable measurements. This usually depends on the reason for which the CMP was prepared. Most professionals use this test to determine whether a patient has kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes. In some cases it can also be used to monitor the side effects of kidney or liver related and hypertension.

The overall metabolic profile test usually required for annual physicals or part of the routine checks. In most cases, the patient shouldavoid taking food or water for 10-12 hours before the test. Ask your doctor about the costs and implications of the readings may have on their health.