Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to build muscle and gain weight without steroids

To understand how steroids work

I do not go into steroids ethical, moral and legal. I am writing this to open your eyes to a new and powerful Outlook, an epiphany of bodybuilding, which will allow you to gain weight and muscles safely.

I have the intention to use an analogy, "tree" in a moment, but first understand the bad news. It is a scientific fact that genetics play an important role in our physical development possible. Of course, the environment is important andGenetics and against the environment is questionable mental development, physical potential is largely genetic. Depending on your parents, there is a limit to how strong he is.

Take Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example. Arnold was 19 years and was as big as a house. Arnold's father was a tall man with his chest, and the sister of Arnold was great for a woman. All had in common bone thickness, and the unusual height. This, of course, Arnold gave a genetic advantage of a skinny guy, becauseand was two times larger, without training too!

Everyone has a different genetic upper limit. Many scientists believe that the average person has the potential to triple its initial strength. If I am a skinny 16, who can make a maximum bench press 140 pounds., I hope to finally start out at 420 pounds, if I can train hard for many years. Similarly, if I am Arnold, and can bench 225 pounds. at 16, one day I could bench 675.

Of course we are talking here aboutabsolute limit, with all the work goes well. Few reach their full genetic potential, due to an accident, inadequate training, bad habits, or simply lack of desire to pursue this goal.

What does all this have to do with how to gain weight and muscle? Imagine your body is a tree. Steroids make you big and strong, but the tree will only grow so tall. No matter how many steroids they put in the tree has reached its maximum genetic potential. Somego faster, depending on the type and amount of steroids, but higher than ever.

Once you reach the upper limit of the tree, no matter how powerful anabolic steroids, if you're going super skinny is not going to be Arnold Schwarzenegger. No more Miss Piggy, sashaying in heels, they look like Raquel Welch. Your body has an upper limit, like the tree.

I'm just being honest. For you young people, in particular, just bodybuilding, nottried to start steroids as a solution to how to gain muscle and weight. Being aware of the role genetics plays in perspective.

Very few people possess the necessary characteristics to become a champion bodybuilder. You must be born with the right proportions of the body to add weight, muscle fibers special proper muscle length, etc. Training can not change that.

Not to beat a dead horse, but my point is, do not endanger your health if you have always beenproverbial 90 pounds low. Of course it can triple its force adequately trained, and well above average. Maybe win some local bodybuilding contests. But we will not be able to overcome genetics. As Clint Eastwood said: "A man must know his limitations."

For those of you who could bench 300 pounds. in high school, no problem, and seem to have the right genetics, I would still be barred from the risk of adverse effects of anabolic steroids. Whileis true that most builders seem to recover from the negative side effects once drugs are stopped, was not that much research on the long-term effects. If there was some kind of disease that steroids can improve, I'd say go for it. But do not treat you like a lab monkey, just to get something you can do with a natural formation.

You can always try different steroids, but no matter how fast you go, always out of the top. Now let me digress ajust go and Scientists of steroids. I realize this may be a little "dry, but I want to give the reader a good general idea of ​​how steroids work. So now that the perfunctorys are over, start from the beginning.

Steroids are dead-end solutions

In case of misuse of individual drugs, side effects should be minimized. Any doctor will tell you the most efficient way of using drugs, is to maximize the minimum. The fly in the buttermilk is tryingminimize unwanted side effects is difficult to do.

The metabolism is the production, maintenance and destruction of tissue and energy. The building (myotropic) processes called anabolism. Breaking the process is called degradation. For our purposes, the effects of anabolic steroids are those that involve the synthesis of protein for muscle growth and repair.

Hormones are chemicals produced by different regulatory bodies glands or tissues. Hormones coordinate the growth, tissue repair,reproductive cycles, and other physical and mental. Testosterone, the male hormone, has two main functions: 1. Androgens - Encourage development and maintenance of secondary male sex characteristics (facial hair, deeper voice, and fat distribution and other male characteristics) and 2. Anabolic - development and maintenance of male musculature.

Therefore, the term anabolic steroids, which are synthetic chemical compounds. that mimic the anabolic effects. and minimize the androgeniceffects. By tinkering with the hydrocarbon molecules of testosterone, an anabolic androgenic ratio is reached. called therapeutic index.

There is little solid research indicating the drug therapeutic index, calculated from animal studies apply to humans! Although there was a table that human factors such as diet, exercise, medication and varying doses of administration, and most important genetic response to drugs, frustrates the usefulness of these indices.


Once anabolic steroids enter the bloodstream they find their ways muscle cell genes involved in protein synthesis. Similar to testosterone, steroids bind to specific receptors inside the cell, where DNA is encouraged to direct ribosomes to produce greater amounts of protein.

Since steroids act synergistically with vitamins and minerals to facilitate the synthesis of proteins, supplements are usually taken withsteroids. The need must be present in the body for protein synthesis to occur. This need is natural in people with anemia or malnutrition. healthy athletes need is caused by lifting heavy weights.

The problem comes when not all molecules of anabolic steroids achieve cellular receptors. Such molecules floating in the blood to the liver breaks down or is in the blood. These products are considered to cause unwanted side effectsIn fact, although not currently understood. Attempts by scientists to solve these problems in turn cause additional side effects.

Talk about the side effects of anabolic steroids gym rushed to describe this effect, and many people experience first hand to know what they are. The following list is not exhaustive, but the main side effects are listed.

The liver function abnormalities - Scientists are not sure of the long-term effects of steroids in the liver.The short-term effects are reversible. When anabolic steroids are discontinued. But toxic hepatitis can be realized if the steroids were discontinued.

Cardiovascular system damage anabolic steroids can interfere with blood clotting and metabolism of glucose, triglycerides and cholosterolis that leads to arterial plaque (atherosclerosis). Anything that affects glucose can also be dangerous for people with diabetes or prediabetes.

Steroids seem to keep the liver from breakingcortisol and cortisol is considered a stress hormone, which allows you to train harder. Deterioration of the cardiovascular system appears to be the greatest risk of side effects.

Hypertension (high blood pressure), high blood pressure that often accompanies anabolic steroids over a long period can lead to cardiovascular disease. Many athletes report increased when water retention steroids. Fluid / electrolyte balance is thought toassociated with hypertension. This can be caused by the effect of steroids in the adrenal cortex. The adrenal cortex helps to maintain electrolyte balance. Steroids increase both the levels of nitrogen and potassium, which can increase blood pressure. Blood pressure seems to be back to normal after steroids are stopped, but the long-term effects are unknown.

Increased aggression is known that testosterone is an important factor in higher levels of aggression in men than in women.The criminals locked up for violent crimes showed high levels of testosterone in violent offenders. This may cause family problems, especially body builders, training skills, using a large amount of steroids.

Beginners connective tissue damage with anabolic steroids often increase their strength so quickly that the muscles are able to grow faster than the tendons and ligaments. Therefore, beginners should put in a year of hard work before we canelevation.

Weight loss, infections, loss of muscle tone after discontinuation of steroids - Once the steroids are stopped, the body returns to normal testosterone. This translates into a negative nitrogen balance, which holds enough protein to be synthesized. Joint pain is also common, which is caused by over-training, while a negative nitrogen balance. This can take up to three months. It's probably the best way to reduce gradually with steroids to provide time forregular.

Anabolic steroids will give you extra motivation to train harder and better. Steroids work to be bigger and stronger. However, do not quite understand the long-term effects. Why be a guinea pig?

Why not learn a better method of training first? testing time. What is the most powerful drug? All food! Need to know what to bring for meals before and after training, the time of nutrients, food and design. Can simulate the effects of steroids with diet onlyand training.

To summarize this article. You are limited by the genetics of how strong can be. Anabolic steroids can only make you stronger than their genetic potential. But because of unwanted side effects, you should consider replacing the old style of training so strong, high-tech approach to steroids. natural formation is actually superior to steroids for the health of lasting effect. You can also contact their genetic potential to be a natural formation.

For those who are justbegin construction of the body, here are 10 of the best bodybuilding foods to gain weight and building muscle. Oranges, milk, Turkey, broccoli, carrots, bananas, potatoes, beans, whole grains and fish. Try to eat steamed or raw vegetables. The potato should be cooked with the skin. If you have to put something in it, use a butter substitute. Cook fish. The other would add to food, canned tuna, peanut butter, raw nuts, crackers, toast, boiled eggs, oatmeal. Frozen drinkdistilled water.

For weight gain and build muscle, your exercise must be harder, not easier. Think quality over quantity.

The basic exercises should be compound movements (labor and both legs or arms at the same time), then use the swing. You should do squats, deadlifts, dips, chin-ups, leg raises, bench press, military press, and clean. Do one or more sets of 4-6 reps each. When you can do six reps adding weight. Do not waste your time doing hundreds ofTask for the stomach. These exercises work large muscles of your stomach because you burn calories.

Take a break of two minutes rest between sets. Use a timer. Record your workouts. When lifting weight for two seconds, pause, slow for 4-6 seconds, pause and repeat. Try to keep weight training time to no more than 45 minutes.

A good rule to exercise their choice to look around the gym and ask what are the years all seem to avoid. Thesebecome the hardest, but those who work. It is rare to see people doing chin-ups, squats, dead, or clean and jerks. The bench press, military press, leg lifts, and dips can be seen in some rare cases. Still, it is usually a cheerful attempt average. Most people are reading a magazine or on a cardio machine, or the initial placement of a machine to do 12 reps super fast at half the weight that should be used. Sad but true.

Training three days a week, with one daybreak in the middle. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. You must include a 1 / 2 hours of cardio on off days or after weight training. A good choice would sprint interval cardio, running, swimming and jumping rope. Even extend through the length of time to lift weights.

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