Thursday, April 28, 2011

The cardioprotective benefits of soy protein - Sports

Recent evidence on the cardioprotective benefits of soy isoflavones has stimulated an increase in the consumption of soy protein powder. Even if the consumer is more likely that the ingestion of powdered soy isoflavones, also qualify for the same protein. Nitrogen balance studies in humans indicate that isolated soy protein is comparable to that of animals, the effects of soy-based diet compared with a diet of animal protein in the body of complete protein turnover -fuevaluated using two groups of six men. The rates of protein synthesis and protein degradation was similar in both groups. However, more recent research compared with casein soy in net protein retention in pigs. constant infusions of casein or soy were performed with measurements postabsorptively and 2-6 hours after enteral feeding. kinetics of urea and amino acid were evaluated by a constant infusion protocol developed with L-[ring-2, 63H] phenylalanineL-3-3H], 4 valine, [and 15N] urea [15N. During the meal, the appearance of amino acids in the portal vein and its adoption by the liver was lower with casein infusion. muscular uptake was not different between the infusions of casein or soy. Soy infusion stimulated a lower rate of intestinal protein synthesis and the rate of muscle protein turnover. Casein infusion stimulated a higher rate of protein synthesis and degradation of the liver. In the post-absorption condition, the infusion of casein did notalter the hepatic production of urea, while the infusion of soybean has increased significantly. The researchers concluded that soy protein has a lower quality than the protein casein.

Soy is well tolerated with no adverse effects associated with its use. Soy stimulates lower rates of protein synthesis and degradation of the liver, therefore, future research in combination with other soy protein may be insightful in providing a protein that not only reducescardiovascular disease risk, but also maintain higher levels of protein synthesis and low levels of protein degradation.

-Glutamine promotes muscle glycogen

In this study, seven men of average physical fitness has participated in three different studies. First, the subjects performed exercise bike designed to deplete the fast and slow twitch muscle glycogen.

Then it was received or

A solution of glucose polymer, 18.5%;

8 gglutamine, or

A solution of glucose polymer 18.5% and 8 grams of glutamine.

During the three tests, which also received a continuous infusion of glucose for 2 hours. The plasma concentration of glutamine increased dramatically after taking glutamine by itself or with the polymer of glucose. Glutamine concentrations were 70% higher than baseline 30-45 minutes after ingestion of glutamine. Furthermore, ingestion of glutamine had no effect on insulin levels. As expected glucose polymeringestion (with or without glutamine) resulted in a substantial increase in insulin that lasted 30-90 minutes. Glutamine is as effective as glucose polymer solution increased muscle glycogen after exercise glycogen reduction.

According to the researchers, "Oral glutamine alone promoted storage of muscle glycogen to a similar extent with the polymer of glucose orally. Ingestion of glutamine and glucose polymers as well as promote the storage of carbohydrate outside skeletal musclemuscles, the liver is the most viable.

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