Sunday, August 21, 2011

Testing and diagnosis of gout - How is gout diagnosed?

If you think you suffer from gout, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible, with relief of pain is their first priority.

I have that as any other health condition, can be easily determined by testing with your doctor. Based on the results of the tests show a diagnosis can be made and appropriate treatment can be administered.

Gout is an extremely painful condition. It tends to occur before the big toe andindicated by pain, swelling and redness.

Often, in this first attack, people will be aware of what is the cause as it appears seemingly out of nowhere. The level of pain is what brings to mind most people with the doctor.

How is gout diagnosed?

The first thing to do is control your family history, including chronic conditions you or your family have suffered. Physicians should be aware of the diseases that may be genetically predisposeda.

Once the doctor has assessed the general state of health, and the specific reason they're there, order tests to help him reach a correct diagnosis.

Tests that may be performed:

Laboratory tests:

Complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum levels of uric acid.

Aspiration of synovial fluid:

The synovial fluid in assistingnutrients and cushioning and lubrication of the cartilage. This test looks for urate crystsal to be present in the fluid that indicate gout.

Types of Gout:

Acute gouty arthritis:

The onset is sudden and severe pain, with signs and symptoms of inflammation, swelling and fever. The affected area is hot to the touch and the redness will be present. The peaks of attack in two days and can last up to ten days if not treated.


Occurs after the first attack of gout is finished and all symptoms have disappeared. Generally, victims of recurrent attacks of gout are treated with drugs to reduce uric acid levels in the blood. However, attacks salvage therapy to prevent future attacks, until he began a new attack was .

Tophaceous you must:

Tophi are composed of nodular masses of urate crystals, which often occur after the first attack of gout. Tophi arefurther complicated by:

Pain, soft tissue damage and deformity, destruction of the city affected, compression of the nerve.

Undiagnosed hyperuricemia can lead intervals between attacks closer to disappear. This can lead to constant inflammation of the joints, joint deformities, and tophaceous deposits of urate crystals in soft tissues around the joint. This can also be accompanied by periods of acute arthritis.

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