Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Canine health threat: acute renal failure

There is a term called the IRA in dogs is acute renal failure. IRA comes on quickly, and sometimes fatal. E 'identified by the sudden interruption (or dramatic decrease) in renal function, renal blood flow and decreased glomerular filtration rate, called the GFR. IRA also includes health problems that are the direct result of the cessation of kidney function. ARF is the result of a toxin or ischemia, an insufficient blood supply. Causesare often linked to another illness or a surgical complication. There is a sudden increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine and phosphate. It can also cause metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia.

ARF may be reversed, but must be taken in the early stages and treated by a veterinarian. If the diagnosis and treatment is too late, the damage to the renal system is permanent, and can be fatal.

These are the symptoms to lookfor:

Lack of appetite
Vomiting and diarrhea
Depression and apathy
Bad breath
Sore mouth and gums discolored

The causes of ARF are sometimes difficult to detect, and includes:

Blood loss
Blocked urethra
Inadequate blood to the kidneys

Pets are the most common accidental poisonings caused by frost. It 's almost entirely composed of ethylene glycol, a chemical that can destroy the kidneys of a dog. The reason why a product is dangerous for petsthat often goes into the ground under a car, and sweet tastes with animals. Antifreeze poison dog bicycle in the liver and changing the pH of the blood and causes the formation of calcium crystals in renal tubules. Unfortunately, most dogs do not make it to the vet in time to save the kidney, because the symptoms are sudden it's often too late, when no obvious signs of trouble. No evidence of antifreeze ingestion by a dog, it is likely that the smallopportunity to save it.

The only way to treat the IRA is to stop damage to the kidneys to go further. The organs are flushed with large amounts of IV fluids, and electrolytes such as potassium. Diuresis is the term for this type of treatment, not only cleans toxins from the kidneys, stimulates the body's cells to resume their normal tasks of removing waste from the body. The remaining kidney can have enough cells to resume wasteand remove the body. Support measures are also performed when the dog is put umlauts, like medication to relieve diarrhea and vomiting, and get the nutrients into the dog's system.

There are numerous outcomes that can occur with treatment. If diagnosed early, the kidney may start working normally and up to several years. They might not even work at all, or only works until the treatment is administered. It is important to take measures tothe kidneys to work as soon as possible. The longer the kidneys are not functioning, the greater the damage to the cells.

Dogs treated in the IRA can be given a strict diet to follow, one with a minimum amount of phosphorus and protein, and is not acidic. There is also a drug that may be because it controls the amount of calcium levels in the blood and parathyroid gland function. A phosphate-binding medication is sometimes prescribed. Thishelp to remove excess phosphorus that has begun to build in the blood (as a result of not being processed and excreted by the kidneys). There should be twice the blood calcium, phosphorus, and if not sufficient, and the parathyroid gland begins filtering needed extra calcium from the bones.

Treatment of the IRA can continue for weeks, and includes subcutaneous administration of fluids to increase the kidneys begin to fail more and more. This can happen everyday or every week depending on how badly the kidneys are damaged.

Unfortunately, while organ transplants and dialysis are now more readily available for dogs, the cost is often too high for the dog owner to pay. However, with proper treatment, there are a lot of dogs have suffered kidney failure and lived much longer in good health. It is very important to ensure that your dog is checked regularly, and take it to a veterinarian at the first sign of trouble. Theretests may indicate kidney failure in its early stages, before it is life-threatening problem. By the time may mean more of a happier life for your beloved pet.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Understanding Dogs Diseases and Kidney Diseases of the Dog

Dogs get sick from parasites, viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi. In some cases, these pests and diseases are fatal unless caught early and treated. Sometimes we sow the seeds of years of death or weakness on the road, causing chronic diseases or damaged organs.

The term "chronic kidney failure" suggests that the kidneys have stopped working and, therefore, not urine. The typical form of chronic renal failure is the result of aging, but is simply a"Consumed" the process. The age of onset is related to the size of the dog. For most small dogs, the first symptoms appear approximately 8-14 years of age. Large dogs have a shorter duration of age and can enter into kidney failure and seven years old.

Causes of acute kidney disease

Trauma or - Any kind of trauma that causes blood pressure to fall drastically, as the shock and blood loss after being hit by a car.

or disease - Leptospirosis (a type of bacteria), fungal infections,heart disease

or Poison - The ingestion of rat poison or antifreeze

Or drugs - antibiotics and some chemotherapy drugs

When aging causes the filtration process to become inefficient and ineffective, blood flow to the kidneys is increased in an attempt to increase filtration. Clinical signs of advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, depression, vomiting, diarrhea and bad breath.

The diagnosis of renal failure is done by determining the level oftwo waste products from blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine in the blood. A urinalysis is also needed to complete the study of renal function.

In some cases, the kidneys are used so it can not be revived. However, with aggressive treatment many dogs live for several months or years.

Treatments - Treatments for acute care of kidney disease mainly in treating the underlying cause first. Other treatments may include:

IV fluids -Helps eliminate toxins from the body

Dialysis time:

If treating the underlying cause and IV fluids are not enough, temporary dialysis may be used to remove toxins from the body, giving the dog's kidneys a chance to heal. For peritoneal dialysis, fluid is injected into the stomach and then back to help remove toxins. In hemodialysis, a machine used to filter toxins from the bloodstream. Haemodialysis is very expensive and not all veterinary servicesable to offer this treatment.

For help with your dog health problems, consult your local veterinarian. He or she may recommend a treatment, care tips and even books on the subject for further learning. Books about the health of the dogs are also available at local pet stores and online at popular websites such as Amazon or Ebay. Just search for your keyword phrases in the individual search engines as "diseases of the dog" or "dog health" and then search the ads. AlsoSearch engines like Google and Yahoo in a manner similar to websites and other resources.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Overtraining: how to avoid, how to recover from the reality

One of the most serious problems in training for athletic competition is to know when you are training too. Make a muscle stronger only focus on muscle, feeling sore the next day, and taking easy workouts or days off until the pain goes away. Then you have to do a hard workout again. If you do not feel pain the day after a hard workout, your muscles do not hurt, and become stronger.

Every athlete knows that sometimesmuscles still feel little sore several days after a hard workout. One might think that you have recovered from previous training hard and believes he is ready to strain your muscles again. So go ahead and try to run very fast and starts to feel pain all the time. The joints, tendons and muscle pain. Do you feel tired. You can still run with sore muscles and tendons, but the pain keeps you from running fast. Every day later, the pain increases andyou think you are sick.

His physician's order a complete blood count, liver function tests, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, urinalysis, and a throat swab, and all tests are normal. It can not be run intervals as fast as he could. It used to be able to run 4.10 on 65 seconds and now you can not get through more than three of them without much pain in the muscles. So try to run their rooms in 75 seconds and find it painful to run 75 / 265 / 2 quarters as it did. You know something is wrong, so ask your friend who is a researcher at the local university to test. He says that has marred the lactic anaerobic performance and reduced time to exhaustion in the exercise standard high intensity resistance. He tells you that your maximum heart rate is now 180, 10 beats below normal. He says that lactate levels decreased during sub-maximal efficiency. Do you have a low respiratory raterelationship during exercise. She is very depressed and get more tests, only to discover that has normal blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, ammonia, creatine kinase and the relationship between the (free) serum testosterone and cortisol. Nocturnal urinary excretion of catecholamines is down and there is a decrease in the maximum increase induced by the exercise of pituitary hormones, especially adrenocorticotropic hormone and growth hormone, and to a lesser extent, plasma free cortisolcatecholamines. So they decide to have a hidden lymphoma, but a complete workup is normal and you are stuck with a diagnosis of training.

You must re-training fund. Jogging in the days that you can. Take days off when you feel bad. After several weeks, you can start running again and the muscle begins to feel fresh again. Are you ready to start training again, but first you must promise never to try to run fast whenpain in muscles and tendons. You can set up a program where you take a hard workout more quickly, you feel bad the next day, then go to an easy pace in your workouts until pain is completely gone. You can set a program to try to do a hard workout every other day four, but hits a hard workout in the days when you feel bad.

Most runners will run very fast once a week and always once a week. Recover more quickly from hard training fornothing, but slowly jogging on recovery days causes more fibrous tissue that form in the muscles to make them more resistant to injury. Do not calculate total miles per week in the journal. What will encourage you to earn miles and prevents it from garbage to learn to run fast. You can only run faster faster for interval training. Establish a program to run very fast on Wednesday and the long and lively on Sundays and all other exercises are easy recoverythe.

Take one day a week to learn to run fast. Most people do it in the middle of the week Wednesday. Most marathon runners can not run fast for more than 100 meters, so you should not run 200 yard intervals until you can run at intervals of 100 yards at a rapid pace. Leading the way in quarters: in the center of the poles and lines of fifty yards. Then alternate running fast and convenient 110 meters and 110 meters run until your legs start to feel heavy and stiff. Do not try tothrough the stiffness or take weeks to recover. If the legs are in severe pain, take the day off. If not bad, jog until you begin to feel tired. Easily run into you in the next two or three days.

On Sunday, it will try to reach the resistance. The day of resistance should be quite fast, but not as fast as the number of days. Each Sunday, try to work up to where you can run fast enough, but within a maximum of two hours. Of course,You may have to start with a period of just over 30 minutes, but be patient. Lack of patience leads to overuse syndrome. As for his workout Wednesday, when he finally can run 20 repetitions of 110 meters fast enough, try to repeat 220s, and as the weeks progress, to repeat the work of one and a half.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Canine health threat: acute renal failure

There is a term called the IRA in dogs is acute renal failure. IRA comes on quickly, and sometimes fatal. E 'identified by the sudden interruption (or dramatic decrease) in renal function, renal blood flow and decreased glomerular filtration rate, called the GFR. IRA also includes health problems that are the direct result of the cessation of kidney function. ARF is the result of a toxin or ischemia, an insufficient blood supply. Causesare often linked to another illness or a surgical complication. There is a sudden increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine and phosphate. It can also cause metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia.

ARF may be reversed, but must be taken in the early stages and treated by a veterinarian. If the diagnosis and treatment is too late, the damage to the renal system is permanent, and can be fatal.

These are the symptoms to lookfor:

Lack of appetite
Vomiting and diarrhea
Depression and apathy
Bad breath
Sore mouth and gums discolored

The causes of ARF are sometimes difficult to detect, and includes:

Blood loss
Blocked urethra
Inadequate blood to the kidneys

Pets are the most common accidental poisonings caused by frost. It 's almost entirely composed of ethylene glycol, a chemical that can destroy the kidneys of a dog. The reason why a product is dangerous for petsthat often goes into the ground under a car, and sweet tastes with animals. Antifreeze poison dog bicycle in the liver and changing the pH of the blood and causes the formation of calcium crystals in renal tubules. Unfortunately, most dogs do not go to the vet in time to save the kidney, because the symptoms are sudden it's often too late, when no obvious signs of trouble. No evidence of antifreeze ingestion by a dog, it is likely that the smallopportunity to save it.

The only way to treat the IRA is to stop damage to the kidneys to go further. The organs are flushed with large amounts of IV fluids, and electrolytes such as potassium. Diuresis is the term for this type of treatment not only removes toxins from the kidneys, stimulates the body's cells to resume their normal tasks of removing waste from the body. The remaining kidney can have enough cells to resume wasteand remove the body. Support measures are also performed when the dog is put umlauts, like medication to relieve diarrhea and vomiting, and get the nutrients into the dog's system.

There are numerous outcomes that can occur with treatment. If diagnosed early, the kidney may start working normally and up to several years. They might not even work at all, or only works until the treatment is administered. It is important to take measures tothe kidneys to work as soon as possible. The longer the kidneys are not functioning, the greater the damage to the cells.

Dogs treated in the IRA can be given a strict diet to follow, one with a minimum amount of phosphorus and protein, and is not acidic. There is also a drug that may be because it controls the amount of calcium levels in the blood and parathyroid gland function. A phosphate-binding medication is sometimes prescribed. Thishelp to remove excess phosphorus that has begun to build in the blood (as a result of not being processed and excreted by the kidneys). There should be twice the blood calcium, phosphorus, and if not sufficient, and the parathyroid gland begins filtering needed extra calcium from the bones.

Treatment of the IRA can continue for weeks, and includes subcutaneous administration of fluids to increase the kidneys begin to fail more and more. This can happen everyday or every week depending on how badly the kidneys are damaged.

Unfortunately, while organ transplants and dialysis are now more readily available for dogs, the cost is often too high for the dog owner to pay. However, with proper treatment, there are a lot of dogs have suffered kidney failure and lived much longer in good health. It is very important to ensure that your dog is checked regularly, and take it to a veterinarian at the first sign of trouble. Theretests may indicate kidney failure in its early stages, before it is life-threatening problem. By the time may mean more of a happier life for your beloved pet.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Renal cat - Tips to recognize the signs of kidney failure in cats

His criticism to seek veterinary treatment immediately if signs of a kidney problem in a cat. The sooner your cat receives treatment that is more likely to have a longer life with you. While chronic kidney disease arrives for an extended period of time, acute renal failure is an emergency. Here are some tips on recognizing symptoms of kidney failure in cats.

Feline kidney is vulnerable to a range of deadly diseases that can lead to kidney failure in a cator chronic renal failure. Your vet would probably agree with the statistics to see more cats 7 years of age who have symptoms of kidney failure in cats.

The risk of feline kidney disease can be inherited. Some long-haired breeds such as Angora and Persian cats and short hair and the Abyssinians are genetically more prone to kidney problems, whether acute or chronic renal failure.

The main difference between acute and chronic renal failure in cats is that acuteKidney failure is a very serious situation that occurs relatively quickly - over a week or a month. Chronic renal failure creeps in your cat for a long time, even years.

The most common causes of acute renal failure include locks that prevent a good flow of blood to kidney stones in a cat or inflammation and block the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. The most common cause of kidney failure in cats occurs when the cat swallows a toxic substance asantifreeze, pesticides, detergents and medicines for humans.

Signs of kidney failure in cats

Occasional vomiting
The increase in water consumption
Increased urination
Loss of appetite, weight loss

Your veterinarian can use a pair of terms "polydipsia" or "polyuria". Polydipsia means your cat is drinking lots of water - lots of it. On the other hand, polydipsia means your cat is urinating a lot - very, very. In fact, this may be the first sign ofrecognition of a kidney problem in a cat. When cleaning the litter box pee-balls are a number of cat litter, or unusually large.

If the veterinarian suspects of renal failure in a cat that will evaluate your cat's BUN. BUN stands for blood urea nitrogen, creatinine levels as well. When these are high, it means that your cat's kidneys are not working and need extra help.

Traditionally, treatment of kidney failure in cats is determined bydisorder that causes the disease. If acute renal failure is caused by a blockage of the urinary tract stone should be removed immediately. Treatment of chronic renal failure is a more conservative approach. This may include therapy, intravenous fluids and dietary modifications.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Canine health threat: acute renal failure

There is a term called the IRA in dogs is acute renal failure. IRA comes on quickly, and sometimes fatal. E 'identified by the sudden interruption (or dramatic decrease) in renal function, renal blood flow and decreased glomerular filtration rate, called the GFR. IRA also includes health problems that are the direct result of the cessation of kidney function. ARF is the result of a toxin or ischemia, an insufficient blood supply. Causesare often linked to another illness or a surgical complication. There is a sudden increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine and phosphate. It can also cause metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia.

ARF may be reversed, but must be taken in the early stages and treated by a veterinarian. If the diagnosis and treatment is too late, the damage to the renal system is permanent, and can be fatal.

These are the symptoms to lookfor:

Lack of appetite
Vomiting and diarrhea
Depression and apathy
Bad breath
Sore mouth and gums discolored

The causes of ARF are sometimes difficult to detect, and includes:

Blood loss
Blocked urethra
Inadequate blood to the kidneys

Pets are the most common accidental poisonings caused by frost. It 's almost entirely composed of ethylene glycol, a chemical that can destroy the kidneys of a dog. The reason why a product is dangerous for petsthat often goes into the ground under a car, and sweet tastes with animals. Antifreeze poison dog bicycle in the liver and changing the pH of the blood and causes the formation of calcium crystals in renal tubules. Unfortunately, most dogs do not go to the vet in time to save the kidney, because the symptoms are sudden it's often too late, when no obvious signs of trouble. No evidence of antifreeze ingestion by a dog, it is likely that the smallopportunity to save it.

The only way to treat the IRA is to stop damage to the kidneys to go further. The organs are flushed with large amounts of IV fluids, and electrolytes such as potassium. Diuresis is the term for this type of treatment not only removes toxins from the kidneys, stimulates the body's cells to resume their normal tasks of removing waste from the body. The remaining kidney can have enough cells to resume wasteand remove the body. Support measures are also performed when the dog is put umlauts, like medication to relieve diarrhea and vomiting, and get the nutrients into the dog's system.

There are numerous outcomes that can occur with treatment. If diagnosed early, the kidney may start working normally and up to several years. They might not even work at all, or only works until the treatment is administered. It is important to take measures tothe kidneys to work as soon as possible. The longer the kidneys are not functioning, the greater the damage to the cells.

Dogs treated in the IRA can be given a strict diet to follow, one with a minimum amount of phosphorus and protein, and is not acidic. There is also a drug that may be because it controls the amount of calcium levels in the blood and parathyroid gland function. A phosphate-binding medication is sometimes prescribed. Thishelp to remove excess phosphorus that has begun to build in the blood (as a result of not being processed and excreted by the kidneys). There should be twice the blood calcium, phosphorus, and if not sufficient, and the parathyroid gland begins filtering needed extra calcium from the bones.

Treatment of the IRA can continue for weeks, and includes subcutaneous administration of fluids to increase the kidneys begin to fail more and more. This can happen everyday or every week depending on how badly the kidneys are damaged.

Unfortunately, while organ transplants and dialysis are now more readily available for dogs, the cost is often too high for the dog owner to pay. However, with proper treatment, there are a lot of dogs have suffered kidney failure and lived much longer in good health. It is very important to ensure that your dog is checked regularly, and take it to a veterinarian at the first sign of trouble. Theretests may indicate kidney failure in its early stages, before it is life-threatening problem. By the time may mean more of a happier life for your beloved pet.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chronic kidney disease

People with chronic renal failure and uremia show a constellation of symptoms, signs and laboratory abnormalities, in addition to those observed in acute renal failure. This reflects the nature of their long-standing kidney failure, progressive and results in many tissue types.

Therefore, osteodystrophy, neuropathy, bilateral kidneys showed little abdominal ultrasonography, and anemia are typical initial results suggest that a chronic course of a singlenewly diagnosed with kidney failure in the absence of the basis of elevated BUN and serum creatinine.

One of the most typical causes of kidney failure is diabetes mellitus, continuous, closely adopted by hypertension and glomerulonephritis. Polycystic kidney disease, obstruction, and viruses are among the most typical is the chronic renal failure. The pathogenesis of acute renal disease is very different from permanent kidney disease.

Although acute lesions in the kidneycauses of death and detachment of tubular epithelial cells, often followed by regeneration, with restoration of regular architecture, the results provide continuous irreversible loss of nephrons. As a result, more weight is supported by fewer nephrons practices, which manifests as an improvement in glomerular filtration pressure and hyperfiltration.

For factors not well understood, this compensation hyperfiltration, which can be thought of as a form of "high" ofnephron level of the person, predisposes to fibrosis and scarring (glomerular sclerosis). As a result, the rate of destruction of nephrons and reduced increases, thus accelerating the progression of uremia, the complex of symptoms and signs that occurs when the residual renal target is insufficient.

Thanks to the extraordinary reserve of the kidneys practice, up to 50% of the nephrons can be lost with the evidence of short-term functional impairment. So people with twoHealthy kidneys are able to donate one for the transplant. When GFR is reduced even more, leaving only 20% of the initial renal capacity, some degree of azotemia (increased blood vessels of the products normally excreted by the kidneys) shows.

However, patients may be largely asymptomatic, simply because a new equilibrium is reached in the blood vessels levels of these products are no longer sufficient to cause overt toxicity. However, evenapparently stable at this level and extent accelerated renal hyperfiltration, changes in end-stage chronic renal failure in progress.

Moreover, simply because people with this level of reserves TFG small practice, you can easily become uremic with any additional power (eg, viruses, obstruction, dehydration, or nephrotoxic drugs) or any other state catabolic in connection with a higher turnover of nitrogen - containing products with reduced GFR.

Thepathogenesis of renal failure resulting in ongoing part of the poisonous mix of results (1) stored products normally excreted by the kidneys (eg, nitrogen containing elements of the process of protein metabolism), (2) the regular products, such as hormones already present in abundance, and (3) the lack of normal kidney products (eg, loss of erythropoietin).

Results failure excretory fluid shifts, an increase of intracellular Na + and water and decreasingIntracellular K +. These alterations may contribute to the purpose of subtle alterations in a series of enzymes, transport systems, and so on. Patients with chronic renal failure usually have some degree of Na + and water also, reflecting the loss of renal excretion of salt and water.

A moderate degree of Na + and drinking too much water can happen without objective indicators of excess extracellular fluid. However, excessive intake continued Na + contributes to failureheart failure, hypertension, ascites, peripheral edema and weight gain. On the other hand, excessive intake of drinking water contributes to hyponatremia.

A recommendation for the typical patient with renal failure continues to avoid excessive salt intake and limiting fluid intake to make sure it is equal to the production of urine and 500 ml (insensible losses). Other adjustments to the standard can be done either through the use of diuretics (in a patient who otherwise makes the urine) ordialysis.

Why do these people also have impaired renal salt and water conservation mechanisms, are much more sensitive than normal to + sudden extrarenal sodium and water loss (eg, vomiting, diarrhea, increased sweating and fever). In these circumstances, much easier to create low ECF, the deterioration of renal ulterior motives (which may not be reversible), and vascular collapse or even shock.

Symptoms and indicators of dry mucous membranes,dizziness, syncope, tachycardia, decreased filling of the jugular vein, suggesting that the increase in the amount of exhaustion. Hyperkalemia is a serious problem in chronic renal failure, especially for those whose GFR fell below 5 ml / min. Above that level, such as falling glomerular filtration rate, aldosterone-mediated increase in K + transport in the distal tubule in the form of compensation.

Therefore, a patient with a GFR 50 ml / min and 5 ml / min in tubular transport function to maintain the balance of K +.Treatment with K +-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors or blockers, drugs that can alter the aldosterone-mediated K + transport can therefore precipitate hyperkalemia dangerous for people with chronic renal failure.

People with diabetes mellitus (the main trigger for the permanent kidney failure) may have a hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism syndrome. This syndrome is actually a situation where the lack of production of renin by the kidney reduces levels of angiotensin II andconsequently hinders the secretion of aldosterone.

As a result, individuals are able to offset the decline in GFR, improving their aldosterone-mediated K + transport and therefore have relative difficulty of K + handling. This difficulty is usually manifested as hyperkalemia even before the GFR has fallen below 5 ml / min.

Finally, not only to patients with chronic renal failure much more sensitive to the effects of Na + overload or quantity, but also on the riserisk of hyperkalemia in the face of sudden loads of K + from endogenous sources (eg, hemolysis, viruses, trauma) or exogenous sources (for example, store the blood vessels, foods rich in K +, K + or medicines that contain).

The reduced ability to excrete acid and base results in continuous renal generate no metabolic acidosis. In most cases, when the GFR is above 20 ml / min, acidosis develops only a reasonable time before the re-establishment of a new steady state output buffers anduse. The decrease in pH of the blood vessels in these individuals can usually be corrected with 20-30 mmol (2.3 g) of sodium bicarbonate orally every day.

However, these people are extremely sensitive to acidosis in the case of a sudden acid load or the appearance of problems to improve the acid load generated. Several problems of phosphate, Ca2 + metabolic process, and the bone can be seen in permanent kidney failure as a result of a complex series of events.

Key factorsthe pathogenesis of these problems include (1) a decreased uptake of Ca2 + in the intestine, (some) overproduction of parathyroid hormone (three), disordered vitamin D metabolism, and (4) chronic metabolic acidosis. All these factors contribute to increased bone resorption.

Hypophosphatemia and hypermagnesemia can occur through excessive use of phosphate binders and antacids containing magnesium, although hyperphosphatemia is more typical. Hyperphosphataemia contributes to improvinghypocalcemia and thus serves as a trigger for additional secondary hyperparathyroidism, elevated PTH levels in the blood.

Vessels from the high PTH blood bones further reduced Ca 2 +, and contributes to the lack of chronic renal osteomalacia (see discussion below). Congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema may develop in the context of the amount of salt and overload.

Hypertension is a typical finding with chronic renal failure, also, in general, based on fluid and Na +overload. However, hyperreninemia also recognized in the syndrome of renal perfusion falls causes excess production of renal renin and therefore do not raise systemic blood pressure.

Pericarditis result of irritation and inflammation of the pericardium by uremic toxins is a complication whose incidence continues to kidney failure is decreasing due to the first institution of renal dialysis. Increased cardiovascular risk is a complication in patients with chronicrenal failure and is the trigger for death in this population.

It is the result of a myocardial infarction, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. Cardiovascular risk factors in these patients are hypertension, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, increased heart valve calcification and chronic myocardial ischemia is a consequence of increased Ca2 + x PO43 product as well as other less well characterized uremic middle .

People withContinuous renal failure have marked abnormalities in red blood cells, white blood cells and coagulation parameters purpose vessels. Normochromic, normocytic anemia, with signs and symptoms of apathy and fatigue easily and usually hematocrit levels in the range of 20-25% is a constant feature.

The anemia is due to the lack of production of erythropoietin and the lack of its stimulating effect on erythropoiesis. Therefore, people with chronic renal failurefailure, dialysis, regardless of their ability, show a marked improvement in hematocrit during treatment with erythropoietin (epoetin alfa).

Other causes of anemia may include the effects of suppression of the bone marrow of uremic toxins, bone marrow fibrosis of blood vessels due to elevated PTH, the toxic effects of aluminum (phosphate binding antacids and dialysis solutions) and hemolysis and blood loss associated with dialysis (while the individual is anticoagulatedheparin).

People with chronic renal failure show abnormal hemostasis manifested as bruising greatly reduced, the increase in surgery of blood vessels, and a high incidence of spontaneous gastrointestinal hemorrhage and cerebrovascular diseases (including haemorrhagic stroke and subdural hematomas).

Laboratory abnormalities include prolonged bleeding time, decreased platelet factor III, platelet aggregation and adhesion abnormal prothrombin and the use of altered, none of this iscompletely reversible even in people on dialysis. Uremia is associated with high susceptibility to infections, considered by the removal of leukocytes from uremic toxins.

The repression appears to be greater for neutrophils and lymphoid cells also appear to affect the chemotaxis, the acute inflammatory response, delayed hypersensitivity and leukocyte functions more than others. Acidosis, hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity, and malnutrition are also consideredcontribute to immunosuppression in permanent kidney failure.

The invasive nature of dialysis and the use of immunosuppressive drugs in patients undergoing kidney transplantation also contribute to an increased incidence of infections. Signs and symptoms of CNS and the variety of indicators could sleep disorders and mild impairment of mental concentration, poor memory, misconceptions, and neuromuscular irritability (manifested as hiccups, cramps, twitches and spasms) of asterixis, myoclonus,stupor, convulsions, coma and terminal uremia.

Asterixis manifests as involuntary movements seen to hit the outstretched arms and wrists restricted to "stop the visitors." E 'due to the damaged nerve conduction in the wide range of metabolic encephalopathy causes, including renal failure.

Peripheral neuropathy (upper and lower extremity sensory and motor high), which is characterized by restless legs syndrome (localized sense some discomfort andinvoluntary movements of the lower limbs), is a frequent finding in permanent kidney failure and an important signal for the start of dialysis.

Patients on hemodialysis may develop aluminum toxicity, characterized by the word dyspraxia (inability to repeat words), myoclonus, dementia and seizures. Similarly, aggressive acute dialysis imbalance can result in a syndrome characterized by nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, headache, seizures, and within an individual reallyBUN greater amount.

Presumably, this is really an impact on the ECF pH or osmolality is changing rapidly, causing cerebral edema. GI nonspecific findings in uremic patients include anorexia, hiccups, nausea, vomiting, and diverticulosis. Although its pathogenesis is not obvious, many of these outcomes improve with dialysis. Lord with uremia have reduced amounts of estrogen, which perhaps explains the high incidence of amenorrhea and the observation that is rarely possible to carry a pregnancy to term.

Regular periods, but a higher pregnancy rate production, usually returning with frequent dialysis. Similarly, low testosterone levels, impotence, oligospermia, and germinal cell dysplasia are common findings in men with permanent kidney failure. Finally, continuous renal failure kidney removed as a site of degradation of insulin, which increases the half-life of insulin.

This usually has a stabilizing effect in diabetic patientsBlood> glucose was previously difficult to control. Skin markings are derived from many of the results of continuous renal currently under discussion.

Renal failure patients may appear pale due to continuous changes in anemia, accumulation of metabolites on the color or gray pigment as a result of transfusion-mediated hemochromatosis, bruising and hematomas as a result of bleeding disorders, and pruritus and excoriations be the result ofCa2 + deposits of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Finally, when urea concentrations are much higher, the evaporation of sweat leaves a residue of urea called "uremic frost".

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Renal cat - Tips to recognize the signs of kidney failure in cats

Its critical to seek immediate veterinary treatment when you notice the signs of a problem kidney in a cat. The earlier your cat gets treatment the more chances she has for a longer life with you. While chronic renal failure arrives over a long period of time, acute kidney failure is an emergency. Here's some tips to recognizing the symptoms of kidney failure in cats.

Feline kidneys are vulnerable to a number of life-threatening disorders that can lead to a failing kidney in a cat or chronic renal failure. Your vet would probably agree with the statistics to see more cats 7 years of age who have symptoms of kidney failure in cats.

The risk of feline kidney disease can be inherited. Some long-haired breeds such as Angora and Persian cats and short hair and the Abyssinians are genetically more prone to kidney problems, whether acute or chronic renal failure.

The main difference between acute and chronic renal failure in cats is that acuteKidney failure is a very serious situation that occurs relatively quickly - over a week or a month. Chronic renal failure creeps in your cat for a long time, even years.

The most common causes of acute renal failure include locks that prevent a good flow of blood to kidney stones in a cat or inflammation and block the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. The most common cause of kidney failure in cats occurs when the cat swallows a toxic substance asantifreeze, pesticides, detergents and medicines for humans.

Signs of kidney failure in cats

Occasional vomiting
The increase in water consumption
Increased urination
Loss of appetite, weight loss

Your veterinarian can use a pair of terms "polydipsia" or "polyuria". Polydipsia means your cat is drinking lots of water - lots of it. On the other hand, polydipsia means your cat is urinating a lot - very, very. In fact, this may be the first sign ofrecognition of a kidney problem in a cat. When cleaning the litter box pee-balls are a number of cat litter, or unusually large.

If the veterinarian suspects of renal failure in a cat that will evaluate your cat's BUN. BUN stands for blood urea nitrogen, creatinine levels as well. When these are high, it means that your cat's kidneys are not working and need extra help.

Traditionally, treatment of kidney failure in cats is determined bydisorder that causes the disease. If acute renal failure is caused by a blockage of the urinary tract stone should be removed immediately. Treatment of chronic renal failure is a more conservative approach. This may include therapy, intravenous fluids and dietary modifications.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The importance of amino acids in your daily regimen

Amino acids and athletic performance

There has been considerable research on protein requirements of athletes. Most experts and studies indicate that athletes who do intense resistance training or bodybuilding should consume up to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Athletes at altitude may need as much as 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram per day. This is twice the recommended daily allowance of protein for the average personwho do not exercise. Those athletes that protein intake can suffer from malnutrition or injury during training exercises. More than the amount recommended for athletes does not help an athlete gain muscle mass, however.

Anabolic Amino Acids

One advantage of amino acid supplementation is speculated that hormones that stimulate the growth hormones in the body, such as arginine and ornithine, increase the athlete's muscle mass, body modificationcomposition and resulting in increased muscle mass. This can be achieved by changing the diet or increasing the amount of amino acid supplements with amino acid supplements. It is important to use a protein crystallizes, the NSF "Certified for Sport" in a way that allows professional athletes to use the product without the fear of testing positive for banned substances or anabolic steroids.

Branched Chain (BCAA) andLeucine, isoleucine and valine, which generate energy for the body is exercise and are called "ergogenic" amino acids. Reduce the exercise caused by the degradation of proteins and reducing muscle loss during intense exercise. Remember that the body uses muscle for energy if it comes to finding energy elsewhere. Since the consumption of these enzymes during intense activity, increases muscle mass and increase lean muscle to fat ratio. Secondly, enzymes are BCAAable to reduce the fatigue induced by exercise. The enzymes are absorbed by the muscles during exercise to the oxidative metabolism (metabolism with oxygen instead of the muscles) is performed.

Over time, the enzymes are used BCAA during exercise and this leads to another amino acid, L-tryptophan to increase and enter the brain. L-tryptophan causes a sudden need for psychological and physiological rest, indicating the time to stop working and is probably the cause of overtrainingSyndrome, low energy, loss of points, depression, loss of appetite, weight loss, immunosuppression and poor performance in athletes who are overdoing it. BCAA supplements help reduce over-training syndrome, reducing the proportion of BCAA L-tryptophan.

Glutamine supports muscle growth and development. The researchers found that glutamine provides fuel for the white blood cells, prevention of immunosuppression in the rain is clearsyndrome.

Many professional athletes are turning to a pile of all natural amino acid called GHP Sport. The main reason is because it is NSF "Certified for Sport" and know they can take the sport GHP without fear of losing their careers because of banned substances.

Amino acids and weight loss

Some amino acids appear to be useful for obesity, which allows the body to burn fat more efficiently and to suppress the appetite. Obesity is considered a cofactor in obstructedarteries, high blood pressure, diabetes and some types of cancer increase. In particular amino acids involved in weight loss are carnitine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. Science tells us that most overweight can not eat enough calories to explain her weight gain. They just tend to burn calories at a slower rate than thinner people and calories stored as fat.

A number of studies have shown that genetics has much to dowith their weight. Identical twins tend to be surprisingly similar in weight than fraternal twins. Deposition of fat in overweight people is dependent on an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Researchers believe that LPL molecules determines the number of nutrients that the cell acquires during the storage of fat. Repeated bouts of crash diets actually cause weight gain due to LPL increases during weight loss. The body adapts to low-calorieintake and consumption of food stores as much as possible.

Many researchers suggest that amino acid supplements may be useful in weight loss programs. Carnitine transfers the fatty acid back out of the cell and allowed to burn fat. This increases the body's metabolic rate and helps the body to reduce muscle weakness in the weight loss. The carnitine from lysine and methionine are essential amino acids and not produce what they reallyneed. Tryptophan also helps reduce the desire body of carbohydrates and reduces the appetite of phenylalanine, which increases the amount of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine in the brain.

Amino acids and aging

Amino acids may influence premature aging. In fact, the amino acids it is desirable that the treatment of alpha-hydroxy skin aging and the skin and cause irritation under the skin photosensitizeralpha-hydroxy treatment. Amino acids are applied to the skin cells and help eliminate wrinkles, smooth skin, exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. The appearance of photo-damage is reduced.

Amino acids also help improve the internal process of aging. For example, arginine may help reduce heart disease, including clogged arteries. It is also a natural blood thinner and can help reduce cholesterol levels. Leucine is also good foranti-aging properties. Supports the body and healing treatment, reducing the aging process. No leucine enough, our body does not fix it. It is also to improve appetite in cancer patients. Cysteine ​​plays an essential role in anti-aging process because it helps to metabolize fat better. It is shown to reduce damage in the body due to alcohol and cigarettes. And "the prevention of heart diseaseand cancer, and strengthens the immune system to get sick less often. Several other amino acids that slow or reverse the aging process.

The forms of amino acid supplements

Amino acids, as mentioned, are found in foods such as meat, dairy, soy and legumes. Sometimes the diet is sufficient to provide sufficient amino acids. Otherwise, however, the amino acids should be given after completion. Some ways to incorporate amino acids proteins aretremors, some of which are not very tasty, but they are good for body builders, you just have to chug water or fruit juice. They also come in pills, tinctures and forms through natural food stores or online. Amino acids also come in crystal form, which makes them pure and highly soluble in the management of various conditions of the aid of amino acid supplements.

The vitality of the amino acids in the diet

Our diet provides us with allwe need in life. We live in carbohydrates, fatty acids and various proteins. Protein is the substance of our organs, glands, hair, nails, muscles and tendons and are vital to our existence. In fact, constitute the majority of our body weight.

Proteins are created as part of biological processes or that you eat as part of our diet are all made from amino acids. There are twenty standard amino acids which are considered different(Essentials), because the body can not do and be eaten. Besides being the main structural components of proteins, amino acids contribute to aspects of co-enzymes, which help the body enzymes. Amino acids are also part of the creation of heme (a blood protein vital).

Scientists and nutritionists are beginning to recognize the benefits of amino acids in the aging process, for athletes of all types and health of women. For example, aminoprovide acids (myoproteins), which are proteins that aid in building muscle mass and muscle help restore athletes to be tired. It absorbs quickly so it can easily be replaced when used in sports.

The essential amino acids, which are necessary in our diet are:

· Histidine
• The leucine
• The lysine
• The methionine
· Phenylalanine
· Threonine
• The tryptophan

There are also many non-essential amino acids that are considered because our bodies are able to create amino acids from an internal source of the elements of the body. These include:

· Alanine
Arginine ·
° The aspartic acid
·Cysteine ​​/ cystine
° The glutamic acid
• The glutamine
· Glycine
· Ornithine
· Proline
• The taurine
Tyrosine ·

The importance of certain amino acids

After the amino acids are of particular importance when it comes to improving bodily functions. Some amino acids are considered essential, while others are not essential amino acids, which are especially important in amino acid supplements.


Lysine is an essentialamino acids we need in our diet. And "the vital processes of growth and lowering cholesterol. It is an amino acid that is vital to achieving the body's connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons and skin. Without enough lysine in the diet, people have stones in the kidney and a variety of other disorders. Athletes who develop a large number are at risk for lysine deficiency. Lysine comes to our diet with protein and most of the protein comes from meat and dairy productssources. This means that vegetarians can also suffer from lack of lysine as well as a diet rich in cereals and baked goods.

Lysine is used for?

Lysine has therapeutic uses. For example, lysine supplements are useful in treating diseases such as herpes zoster. It can also reduce the frequency of herpes outbreaks. In addition, lysine helps the body absorb calcium in the diet so that people with osteoporosis may havelysine supplements to help strengthen bones. E 'L-lysine in the way the body works best.


Arginine is considered a nonessential amino acid, but is vital for bodily functions. For men, improving blood flow to the penis to achieve an erection and increases sperm count. It slows the growth of cancer cells, which improves the body's immune system. Increases muscle mass and reduce body fat,resulting in weight loss. The release of growth hormone in the body, arginine leads to better growth and maximum muscle tissue repair in case of injury. As lysine, arginine comprises a major part of collagen and connective tissue. This makes it good for the treatment of arthritis and connective tissue diseases. Arginine can also be converted into glucose and glycogen storage product, if necessary.

Why do people use arginine?

Heart disease:Arginine produces nitric acid, which improves blood flow to major organs of the body including the brain, legs and heart.

Erectile dysfunction: Nitric acid is very important to achieve an erection. The muscles in the penis relax, allowing blood to flow at the time of erection. Should be taken regularly for work.

Wound Healing: Arginine helps to form another amino acid, proline, which is vital for collagen synthesis(Connective tissue).

Where I can find the arginine?

If you take a supplement of amino acids, which are already covered. Otherwise, the amino acid found in animal protein, dairy, soy products and some vegetable protein. You can become short of arginine for infections, burns and other injuries, and one may have to take a supplement to compensate for the deficiency.


Ornithine is a nonessential amino acid that, along with arginine andCarnitine is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. It helps the liver to regenerate in case of injury and helps insulin function as a hormone to build muscle. Ornithine is created from the amino acid arginine, which is metabolized to urea (a part of the urine) production. Ornithine is very favorable for the growth hormone. As mentioned earlier, growth hormone increases muscle mass. It also enhances production of insulin. Therebeneficial effects of ornithine to those who have had major surgery, serious infections, malignancies, severe trauma or burns. Using ornithine helped improve the quality, lack of appetite, weight gain in life and those who have followed these diseases. Finally, ornithine has been shown to help people with severe liver disease, so that the disease affects the brain.

Where is Ornithine?

Amino acids usually come from the same sources, especiallymeat, fish, eggs and dairy products. The recommended daily allowance is five grams per day. Ornithine deficiencies are rare but can occur during growth, pregnancy, malnutrition, or after severe traumatic injury.


Glutamine is the most important amino acid found in muscles and helps muscles grow. People who have been in bed for a long time may benefit from glutamine to increase muscle mass. It also improvesbrain function and aid in digestive diseases. Help reduce fatigue and was found to be useful in the treatment of brain diseases such as dementia and schizophrenia. The immune system is highly dependent on the presence of glutamine. E 'is not essential, but in conditions where the body actually needs, producing the same is insufficient and need in their diet. Conditions that require additional glutamine include serious injury, surgery, prolonged stress,and infections.

Importance of glutamine

Glutamine is used to treat the body from injury, from lowest to highest. Responds to high levels of cortisol during times of physical stress. Glutamine enhances the healing process, including burns or cuts.
Glutamine is also used to treat inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. It seems that glutamine heals the lining of theseconditions.
Glutamine helps AIDS patients who have loss of muscle mass to increase muscle mass back, along with other nutrients.
Athletes who train heavily to reduce their reserves of glutamine and have the benefit of glutamine supplementation. The best athlete recovering from an injury, too.
Cancer patients have low levels of glutamine and must be integrated to improve their state of malnutrition. Glutamine can also heal the lining of the intestine duringchemotherapy.

Sources of glutamine

The best sources of glutamine are plants and animal proteins like meat, fish, poultry and port, dairy products, raw spinach, raw cabbage and parsley oil.


Glycine is notable for its ability to prevent degeneration of the muscles and improves the storage of sugar in the body. It allows the body to convert glucose into energy, which is useful for athletes who need extra boost. Theused to repair damaged tissues of the body and promotes healing of wounds. This is a nonessential amino acid, meaning that the body is capable of producing the same, but you can still suffer from shortages in times of need. Glycine has recently been shown by research to work with the antioxidants in the treatment of cancer. It has proven effective against melanoma (skin cancer), blocking the formation of blood vessels within thecancer.

Glycine is vital for the construction of DNA and RNA, the building blocks of the body and storing information. To further enhance the content of creatine in the body, helps to build our muscle mass. Glycine is not only found in muscle, but is found in the skin and other connective tissues as well. It keeps the skin firm and supple.

Glycine is important for nervous system function. Brought partsbrain, causing convulsions, hyperactivity and bipolar depression. Glycine can be changed to another neurotransmitter, serine, which can be useful in the treatment of schizophrenia. Improve recovery of memory and helps people with sleep disorders, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and even jet lag.

What are the sources of glycine?

Glycine is found in protein foods like meat, fish, beans, dairy products and medicalsupplement.


Leucine is an essential amino acid that is combined with isoleucine and valine in order to maximize the muscle, bone and skin healing. It provides energy to the body and helps regulate blood sugar in the body. Is an amino acid to burn fat and burn the deep layers of fat in the abdomen and other areas. Leucine is particularly able to convert glucose (sugar) very quickly, which makes it excellent for the prevention ofmuscle loss. For athletes, prevents the use of muscles to produce energy for the muscle is built into body building and other strenuous activities. Thos who suffer from trauma or major surgery may speed the healing of an additional leucine.

The shortcomings of the leucine

Without leucine, may suffer from symptoms of blood sugar such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, irritability and confusion. Remember, leucine has not been created bythe body and must be obtained from the diet.

Sources of dietary leucine

Leucine can be obtained from any source of meat or fish and rice, beans, milk, soy flour and wheat. Those are important, but do not have the best diet supplements leucine can be considered to prevent muscle loss and blood sugar. Because leucine is used along with isoleucine and valine, it should becombination.


Isoleucine is an essential amino acid that is particularly useful in making the body's hemoglobin (a component of blood). It also regulates blood sugar and increases energy. For athletes, isoleucine is vital in the rapid repair of muscles, bones and skin, as a result of an injury. Athletic endurance has improved, making it an important supplement for bodybuilders and other athletes. And "one of the three brancheschain amino acids (leucine and valine along with) and all protect and promote muscle recovery during and after exercise. We found that isoleucine deficiency causes fatigue, dizziness, headaches, depression, irritability and confusion.

Isoleucine How I can get?

As an essential amino acid isoleucine can not be produced by the body and must be ingested. Excellent food sources are seeds of any type of meat, fish, nuts, eggs,dairy products, lentils, peas and soy protein. Those lots or body builders should take into account the integration of isoleucine. As with leucine, isoleucine must be taken with leucine and valine. They work together to do their important work.


Valine is an essential amino acid that is used in combination with leucine and isoleucine to improve the repair of body tissues and the proper maintenance of nitrogen balance inbody. It is also useful in treating diseases of the liver and gallbladder, including the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy (brain, a condition associated with the liver), and it feels to calm emotional state. Indeed, valine is deemed necessary for proper mental and emotional functioning.

Valine is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (leucine and isoleucine as well). Taken together, regulate blood sugar and give the body an extra boost of energy. When aexercises, there can be a cannibalization of muscle for use as energy. Valine and his minions to stop this process and instead promote muscle growth, providing glucose as an energy source for the body.

How I can get Valine?

As essential amino acid valine is, must be obtained through diet or supplements, and leucine with isoleucine. Good food sources of valine produced meat, fish, dairy products, mushrooms, soy proteinsources and peanuts. Valine deficiency is possible in those following a diet low or restricted. Valine supplementation should be considered where a lot of exercise, eating a diet low in protein or are looking to build your muscles. Always take with isoleucine and valine, leucine, working together.

Thanks for reading this article. If you want to add amino acids to your diet, or if you are already taking Amino Acids and want to experience theOnly patented amino acid stack in the world without risks, visit the website:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Canine health threat: acute renal failure

There is a term called the IRA in dogs is acute renal failure. IRA comes on quickly, and sometimes fatal. E 'identified by the sudden interruption (or dramatic decrease) in renal function, renal blood flow and decreased glomerular filtration rate, called the GFR. IRA also includes health problems that are the direct result of the cessation of kidney function. ARF is the result of a toxin or ischemia, an insufficient blood supply.The causes are often linked to other diseases or surgical complications. There is a sudden increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine and phosphate. It can also cause metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia.

ARF may be reversed, but must be taken in the early stages and treated by a veterinarian. If the diagnosis and treatment is too late, the damage to the renal system is permanent and can befatal.

These are symptoms to watch for:

Lack of appetite
Vomiting and diarrhea
Depression and apathy
Bad breath
Sore mouth and gums discolored

The causes of ARF are sometimes difficult to detect, and includes:

Blood loss
Blocked urethra
Inadequate blood to the kidneys

Pets are the most common accidental poisonings caused by frost. It 's almost entirely composed of ethylene glycol, a chemical that can destroy a dogkidneys. The reason is a dangerous product for animals is often spread by a car, and tastes sweet to animals. Antifreeze poison dog bicycle in the liver and changing the pH of the blood and causes the formation of calcium crystals in renal tubules. Unfortunately, most dogs do not make it to the vet in time to save the kidney, because the symptoms are sudden it's often too late, when no obvious signs of trouble. Withoutwitness the antifreeze ingestion by a dog, there is probably little chance of saving it.

The only way to treat the IRA is to stop damage to the kidneys to go further. The organs are flushed with large amounts of IV fluids, and electrolytes such as potassium. Diuresis is the term for this type of treatment not only removes toxins from the kidneys, stimulates the body's cells to resume their normal tasks of removing waste from the body.The kidney cells may have enough to take the remaining waste treatment and disposal of the body. Support measures are also performed when the dog is put umlauts, like medication to relieve diarrhea and vomiting, and get the nutrients into the dog's system.

There are numerous outcomes that can occur with treatment. If diagnosed early, the kidney may start working normally and up to several years. They might not even work at all, or only works until thetreatment is given. It is essential that measures be taken to reach the kidneys working as quickly as possible. The longer the kidneys are not functioning, the greater the damage to the cells.

Dogs treated in the IRA can be given a strict diet to follow, one with a minimum amount of phosphorus and protein, and is not acidic. There is also a drug that may be because it controls the amount of calcium in the blood and levels of operationparathyroid. A phosphate-binding medication is sometimes prescribed. This will help remove excess phosphorus, which has begun to build in the blood (as a result of not being processed and excreted by the kidneys). There should be twice the blood calcium, phosphorus, and if not sufficient, and the parathyroid gland begins filtering needed extra calcium from the bones.

Treatment of the IRA can continue for weeks, and include the subcutaneousfluid to increase the kidneys begin to fail more and more. This can happen every day or every week depending on how badly the kidneys are damaged.

Unfortunately, while organ transplants and dialysis are now more readily available for dogs, the cost is often too high for the dog owner to pay. However, with proper treatment, there are a lot of dogs have suffered kidney failure and lived much longer in good health. It is very important to ensure that your doginspections, and take him to a veterinarian at the first sign of trouble. Tests can indicate kidney failure in its early stages, before it becomes life-threatening problem. By the time may mean more of a happier life for your beloved pet.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Testing and diagnosis of gout - How is gout diagnosed?

If you think you suffer from gout, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible, with relief of pain is their first priority.

I have that as any other health condition, can be easily determined by testing with your doctor. Based on the results of the tests show a diagnosis can be made and appropriate treatment can be administered.

Gout is an extremely painful condition. It tends to occur before the big toe andindicated by pain, swelling and redness.

Often, in this first attack, people will be aware of what is the cause as it appears seemingly out of nowhere. The level of pain is what brings to mind most people with the doctor.

How is gout diagnosed?

The first thing to do is control your family history, including chronic conditions you or your family have suffered. Physicians should be aware of the diseases that may be genetically predisposeda.

Once the doctor has assessed the general state of health, and the specific reason they're there, order tests to help him reach a correct diagnosis.

Tests that may be performed:

Laboratory tests:

Complete blood count (CBC), urinalysis, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum levels of uric acid.

Aspiration of synovial fluid:

The synovial fluid in assistingnutrients and cushioning and lubrication of the cartilage. This test looks for urate crystsal to be present in the fluid that indicate gout.

Types of Gout:

Acute gouty arthritis:

The onset is sudden and severe pain, with signs and symptoms of inflammation, swelling and fever. The affected area is hot to the touch and the redness will be present. The peaks of attack in two days and can last up to ten days if not treated.


Occurs after the first attack of gout is finished and all symptoms have disappeared. Generally, victims of recurrent attacks of gout are treated with drugs to reduce uric acid levels in the blood. However, attacks salvage therapy to prevent future attacks, until he began a new attack was .

Tophaceous you must:

Tophi are composed of nodular masses of urate crystals, which often occur after the first attack of gout. Tophi arefurther complicated by:

Pain, soft tissue damage and deformity, destruction of the city affected, compression of the nerve.

Undiagnosed hyperuricemia can lead intervals between attacks closer to disappear. This can lead to constant inflammation of the joints, joint deformities, and tophaceous deposits of urate crystals in soft tissues around the joint. This can also be accompanied by periods of acute arthritis.

Renal cat - Tips to recognize the signs of kidney failure in cats

His criticism to seek veterinary treatment immediately if signs of a kidney problem in a cat. The sooner your cat receives treatment that is more likely to have a longer life with you. While chronic kidney disease arrives for an extended period of time, acute renal failure is an emergency. Here are some tips on recognizing symptoms of kidney failure in cats.

Feline kidney is vulnerable to a range of deadly diseases that can lead to kidney failure in a cator chronic renal failure. Your vet would probably agree with the statistics to see more cats 7 years of age who have symptoms of kidney failure in cats.

The risk of feline kidney disease can be inherited. Some long-haired breeds such as Angora and Persian cats and short hair and the Abyssinians are genetically more prone to kidney problems, whether acute or chronic renal failure.

The main difference between acute and chronic renal failure in cats is that acuteKidney failure is a very serious situation that occurs relatively quickly - over a week or a month. Chronic renal failure creeps in your cat for a long time, even years.

The most common causes of acute renal failure include locks that prevent a good flow of blood to kidney stones in a cat or inflammation and block the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. The most common cause of kidney failure in cats occurs when the cat swallows a toxic substance asantifreeze, pesticides, detergents and medicines for humans.

Signs of kidney failure in cats

Occasional vomiting
The increase in water consumption
Increased urination
Loss of appetite, weight loss

Your veterinarian can use a pair of terms "polydipsia" or "polyuria". Polydipsia means your cat is drinking lots of water - lots of it. On the other hand, polydipsia means your cat is urinating a lot - very, very. In fact, this may be the first sign ofrecognition of a kidney problem in a cat. When cleaning the litter box pee-balls are a number of cat litter, or unusually large.

If the veterinarian suspects of renal failure in a cat that will evaluate your cat's BUN. BUN stands for blood urea nitrogen, creatinine levels as well. When these are high, it means that your cat's kidneys are not working and need extra help.

Traditionally, treatment of kidney failure in cats is determined bydisorder that causes the disease. If acute renal failure is caused by a blockage of the urinary tract stone should be removed immediately. Treatment of chronic renal failure is a more conservative approach. This may include therapy, intravenous fluids and dietary modifications.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chronic kidney disease

People with chronic renal failure and uremia show a constellation of symptoms, signs and laboratory abnormalities, in addition to those observed in acute renal failure. This reflects the nature of their long-standing kidney failure, progressive and results in many tissue types.

Therefore, osteodystrophy, neuropathy, bilateral kidneys showed little abdominal ultrasonography, and anemia are typical initial results suggest that a chronic course of a singlenewly diagnosed with kidney failure in the absence of the basis of elevated BUN and serum creatinine.

One of the most typical causes of kidney failure is diabetes mellitus, continuous, closely adopted by hypertension and glomerulonephritis. Polycystic kidney disease, obstruction, and viruses are among the most typical is the chronic renal failure. The pathogenesis of acute renal disease is very different from permanent kidney disease.

Although acute lesions in the kidneycauses of death and detachment of tubular epithelial cells, often followed by regeneration, with restoration of regular architecture, the results provide continuous irreversible loss of nephrons. As a result, more weight is supported by fewer nephrons practices, which manifests as an improvement in glomerular filtration pressure and hyperfiltration.

For factors not well understood, this compensation hyperfiltration, which can be thought of as a form of "high" ofnephron level of the person, predisposes to fibrosis and scarring (glomerular sclerosis). As a result, the rate of destruction of nephrons and reduced increases, thus accelerating the progression of uremia, the complex of symptoms and signs that occurs when the residual renal target is insufficient.

Thanks to the extraordinary reserve of the kidneys practice, up to 50% of the nephrons can be lost with the evidence of short-term functional impairment. So people with twoHealthy kidneys are able to donate one for the transplant. When GFR is reduced even more, leaving only 20% of the inadequacy of initial capacity, a degree of azotemia (increased blood vessels of the products normally excreted by the kidneys) shows.

However, patients may be largely asymptomatic, simply because a new equilibrium is reached in the blood vessels levels of these products are no longer sufficient to cause overt toxicity. However, even in thisapparently stable level of evolution of renal hyperfiltration to accelerate end-stage chronic renal failure in progress.

Moreover, simply because people with this level of reserves TFG small practice, you can easily become uremic with any additional power (eg, viruses, obstruction, dehydration, or nephrotoxic drugs) or any other state catabolic in connection with a higher turnover of nitrogen - containing products with reduced GFR.

Thepathogenesis of renal failure resulting in ongoing part of the poisonous mix of results (1) stored products normally excreted by the kidneys (eg, nitrogen containing elements of the process of protein metabolism), (2) the regular products, such as hormones already present in abundance, and (3) the lack of normal kidney products (eg, loss of erythropoietin).

Results failure excretory fluid shifts, an increase of intracellular Na + and water and decreasingIntracellular K +. These alterations may contribute to the purpose of subtle alterations in a series of enzymes, transport systems, and so on. Patients with chronic renal failure usually have some degree of Na + and water also, reflecting the loss of renal excretion of salt and water.

A moderate degree of Na + and drinking too much water can happen without objective indicators of excess extracellular fluid. However, excessive intake continued Na + contributes to failureheart failure, hypertension, ascites, peripheral edema and weight gain. On the other hand, excessive intake of drinking water contributes to hyponatremia.

A recommendation for the typical patient with renal failure continues to avoid excessive salt intake and limiting fluid intake to make sure it is equal to the production of urine and 500 ml (insensible losses). Other adjustments to the standard can be done either through the use of diuretics (in a patient who otherwise makes the urine) ordialysis.

Why do these people also have impaired renal salt and water conservation mechanisms, are much more sensitive than normal to + sudden extrarenal sodium and water loss (eg, vomiting, diarrhea, increased sweating and fever). In these circumstances, much easier to create low ECF, the deterioration of renal ulterior motives (which may not be reversible), and vascular collapse or even shock.

Symptoms and indicators of dry mucous membranes,dizziness, syncope, tachycardia, decreased filling of the jugular vein, suggesting that the increase in the amount of exhaustion. Hyperkalemia is a serious problem in chronic renal failure, especially for those whose GFR fell below 5 ml / min. Above that level, such as falling glomerular filtration rate, aldosterone-mediated increase in K + transport in the distal tubule in the form of compensation.

Therefore, a patient with a GFR 50 ml / min and 5 ml / min in tubular transport function to maintain the balance of K +.Treatment with K +-sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors or blockers, drugs that can alter the aldosterone-mediated K + transport can therefore precipitate hyperkalemia dangerous for people with chronic renal failure.

People with diabetes mellitus (the main trigger for the permanent kidney failure) may have a hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism syndrome. This syndrome is actually a situation where the lack of production of renin by the kidney reduces levels of angiotensin II andconsequently hinders the secretion of aldosterone.

As a result, individuals are able to offset the decline in GFR, improving their aldosterone-mediated K + transport and therefore have relative difficulty of K + handling. This difficulty is usually manifested as hyperkalemia even before the GFR has fallen below 5 ml / min.

Finally, not only to patients with chronic renal failure much more sensitive to the effects of Na + overload or quantity, but also on the riserisk of hyperkalemia in the face of sudden loads of K + from endogenous sources (eg, hemolysis, viruses, trauma) or exogenous sources (for example, store the blood vessels, foods rich in K +, K + or medicines that contain).

The reduced ability to excrete acid and base results in continuous renal generate no metabolic acidosis. In most cases, when the GFR is above 20 ml / min, acidosis develops only a reasonable time before the re-establishment of a new steady state production and use of the buffer.The decrease in pH of the blood vessels in these individuals can usually be corrected with 20-30 mmol (2.3 g) of sodium bicarbonate orally every day.

However, these people are extremely sensitive to acidosis in the case of a sudden acid load or the appearance of problems to improve the acid load generated. Several problems of phosphate, Ca2 + metabolic process, and the bone can be seen in permanent kidney failure as a result of a complex series of events.

Key factorspathogenesis of these problems include (1) a decreased uptake of Ca2 + in the intestine, (some) overproduction of parathyroid hormone (three), disordered vitamin D metabolism, and (4) chronic metabolic acidosis. All these factors contribute to increased bone resorption.

Hypophosphatemia and hypermagnesemia can occur through excessive use of phosphate binders and antacids containing magnesium, although hyperphosphatemia is more typical. Hyperphosphataemia contributes to improvinghypocalcemia and thus serves as a trigger for additional secondary hyperparathyroidism, elevated PTH levels in the blood.

Vessels from the high PTH blood bones further reduced Ca 2 +, and contributes to the lack of chronic renal osteomalacia (see discussion below). Congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema may develop in the context of the amount of salt and overload.

Hypertension is a typical finding of chronic kidney failure, also, in general, based on fluid and Na + overload. However,hyperreninemia is also a recognized syndrome in which renal perfusion falls triggers excessive production of renal renin and therefore do not raise systemic blood pressure.

Pericarditis result of irritation and inflammation of the pericardium by uremic toxins is a complication whose incidence continues to kidney failure is decreasing due to the first institution of renal dialysis. Increased cardiovascular risk is a complication seen in patients with chronic renal failure and remainstrigger death in this population.

It is the result of a myocardial infarction, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. Cardiovascular risk factors in these patients are hypertension, hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, increased heart valve calcification and chronic myocardial ischemia is a consequence of increased Ca2 + x PO43 product as well as other less well characterized uremic middle .

People with permanent kidney failuremarked abnormalities in red blood cells, white cells and clotting parameters purpose vessels. Normochromic, normocytic anemia, with signs and symptoms of apathy and fatigue easily and usually hematocrit levels in the range of 20-25% is a constant feature.

The anemia is due to the lack of production of erythropoietin and the lack of its stimulating effect on erythropoiesis. Therefore, people with chronic renal failure, dialysis, regardless of location, show aa significant improvement in hematocrit during therapy with erythropoietin (epoetin alfa).

Other causes of anemia may include the effects of suppression of the bone marrow of uremic toxins, bone marrow fibrosis of blood vessels due to elevated PTH, the toxic effects of aluminum (phosphate binding antacids and dialysis solutions) and hemolysis and blood loss associated with dialysis (while the individual is anticoagulated with heparin).

People with chronic renal failure show abnormal haemostasisshows the highest reduction of bruises, the increase in surgery of blood vessels, and a high incidence of spontaneous gastrointestinal hemorrhage and stroke (including hemorrhagic stroke and subdural hematomas).

Laboratory abnormalities include prolonged bleeding time, decreased platelet factor III, platelet aggregation and adhesion abnormal prothrombin and the use of altered, this is not fully reversible, even in patients on dialysis as well. Uremia is associated with highsusceptibility to infections, considered by the removal of leukocytes from uremic toxins.

The repression appears to be greater for neutrophils and lymphoid cells also appear to affect the chemotaxis, the acute inflammatory response, delayed hypersensitivity and leukocyte functions more than others. Acidosis, hyperglycemia, hyperosmolarity, and malnutrition are also thought to contribute to immunosuppression in renal continuum.

The invasive nature of dialysisand the use of immunosuppressive drugs in patients undergoing kidney transplantation also contribute to an increased incidence of infections. Signs and symptoms of CNS and the variety of indicators could sleep disorders and mild impairment of mental concentration, poor memory, misconceptions, and neuromuscular irritability (manifested as hiccups, cramps, twitches and spasms) of asterixis, myoclonus, stupor, convulsions and coma in terminal uremia.

Asterixis is manifested in involuntarybeat movement is seen when the arms are extended and wrists restricted to "stop the visitors." E 'due to the damaged nerve conduction in the wide range of metabolic encephalopathy causes, including renal failure.

Peripheral neuropathy (upper and lower extremity sensory and motor high), which is characterized by restless legs syndrome (localized sense some discomfort and involuntary movements of the lower limbs), is a frequent finding in continuous renalfailure and an important signal for the start of dialysis.

Patients on hemodialysis may develop aluminum toxicity, characterized by the word dyspraxia (inability to repeat words), myoclonus, dementia and seizures. Similarly, aggressive acute dialysis imbalance can result in a syndrome characterized by nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, headache, seizures, and within an individual with a much larger roll.

Presumably, this really is an impact of rapid change in pH or osmolalityin the extracellular fluid, causing cerebral edema. GI nonspecific findings in uremic patients include anorexia, hiccups, nausea, vomiting, and diverticulosis. Although its pathogenesis is not obvious, many of these outcomes improve with dialysis. Lord with uremia have reduced amounts of estrogen, which perhaps explains the high incidence of amenorrhea and the observation that almost never are able to carry a pregnancy to term.

Regular periods, but a higher rate of productivitypregnancy usually return with frequent dialysis. Similarly, low testosterone levels, impotence, oligospermia, and germinal cell dysplasia are common findings in men with permanent kidney failure. Finally, continuous renal failure kidney removed as a site of degradation of insulin, which increases the half-life of insulin.

This usually has a stabilizing effect in patients with diabetes whose blood glucose was previously difficult to control. Skin markings are derived from numerousthe results of continuous renal currently under discussion.

Renal failure patients may appear pale due to continuous changes in anemia, accumulation of metabolites on the color or gray pigment as a result of transfusion-mediated hemochromatosis, bruising and hematomas as a result of bleeding disorders, and pruritus and excoriations be the result of Ca2 + deposits of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Finally, when the concentrations of urea arehigher sweat evaporation leaves a residue of urea called "uremic frost".

Friday, August 19, 2011

Understanding Dogs Diseases and Kidney Diseases of the Dog

Dogs get sick from parasites, viruses, bacteria, protozoa and fungi. In some cases, these pests and diseases are fatal unless caught early and treated. Sometimes we sow the seeds of years of death or weakness on the road, causing chronic diseases or damaged organs.

The term "chronic kidney failure" suggests that the kidneys have stopped working and, therefore, not urine. The typical form of chronic renal failure is the result of aging, but is simply a"Consumed" the process. The age of onset is related to the size of the dog. For most small dogs, the first symptoms appear approximately 8-14 years of age. Large dogs have a shorter duration of age and can enter into kidney failure and seven years old.

Causes of acute kidney disease

Trauma or - Any kind of trauma that causes blood pressure to fall drastically, as the shock and blood loss after being hit by a car.

or disease - Leptospirosis (a type of bacteria),fungal infections, heart disease

or Poison - The ingestion of rat poison or antifreeze

Or drugs - antibiotics and some chemotherapy drugs

When aging causes the filtration process to become inefficient and ineffective, blood flow to the kidneys is increased in an attempt to increase filtration. Clinical signs of advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, depression, vomiting, diarrhea and bad breath.

The diagnosis of renal failure isdetermine the level of two waste products from blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine in blood urine. It is also necessary to complete the study of renal function.

In some cases, the kidneys are used so it can not be revived. However, with aggressive treatment many dogs live for several months or years.

Treatments - Treatments for acute care of renal disease especially in treating the underlying causefirst. Other treatments may include:

IV fluids - Helps eliminate toxins from the body

Dialysis time:

If you treat the underlying cause and IV fluids are not enough, temporary dialysis may be used to remove toxins from the body, the kidneys of the dog a chance to heal. For peritoneal dialysis, fluid is injected into the stomach and then back to help remove toxins. In hemodialysis, a machine used to filter toxins from the bloodstream. Hemodialysis is veryexpensive and not all centers are prepared to provide veterinary treatment.

For help with your dog health problems, consult your local veterinarian. He or she may recommend a treatment, care tips and even books on the subject for further learning. Books about the health of the dogs are also available at local pet stores and online at popular websites such as Amazon or Ebay. Just search for your keyword phrases in the individual search engines as "diseases of the dog" or a dog "health "and then see the ads. Also search engines like Google and Yahoo in a manner similar to websites and other resources.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Peculiarities of Kidney Function in Early Infancy

The peculiarities of renal function in early infancy are as follows
1. Glomerular filtration rate is low and does not reach adult values ​​until the child is between 1 and 2 years old.
2. There is great variation in the length of the tubular nephrons, although the size is less variable glomerular
3. The juxtaglomerular nephrons have a further development of cortical nephrons
4. The kidney's ability to concentrate child does not reach adult levelsuntil the third month of life.
5. The proper amount of antidiuretic hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland of the newborn, other factors seem to interfere with the reabsorption of water
6. The loop of Henle, which is essential for concentration, is not fully developed in the newborn.
7. The synthesis of excretory urea and the load is minimized.
8. The lowest concentration of urea, the end product of nitrogen metabolism, reduces your ability to concentrate, as evencontributes to the focusing mechanism
9. Newborns are able to excrete a water load at speeds of older people.
10. The excretion of hydrogen ions is reduced
11. Acid secretion is lower for the first year of life
12. Plasma bicarbonate level is low.
13. As a result of these weaknesses in the kidneys and blood less efficiently buffer, the baby is more likely to develop severe acidosis
14. Sodium excretion is reduced in the immediate neonatal, and kidneysare less able to adapt to scarcity and excess sodium
15. An infusion of saline may produce swelling due to the ability to remove excess sodium is compromised. In contrast, tubular sodium reabsorption inappropriate sodium loss can be done in disorders such as diarrhea or vmitting
16. Babies are less able to absorb glucose, and during the early days, for the production of ammonium ions.

Age quantitative, according to the characteristics of the kidneys andcollection system in children

1-3 days of life
• the volume of urine is 30-50 UV light for 24 hours (ml)
• The frequency of urination is 4-6 times / day
• The average volume of urine is 5-10 ml 1
• Urine specific gravity is 1006-1012
• glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 34-40 ml/min/1.73m2.

4-28 days of life
• urine volume is 200-300 UV for 24 hours (ml)
• Frequency of urination is20-25 times / day
• The average volume of 1 ml urine is 12-20
• Urine specific gravity is 1002-1006
• glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 40-50 ml/min/1.73m2

1-12 months of life
• The volume of urine is 600 UV for 24 hours (ml)
• Frequency of urination is 10-25 times / day
• The average volume of urine is 50-60 ml 1
• Urine specific gravity is 1004-1008
• glomerularfiltration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 60-70 ml/min/1.73m2

1-3 years of life
• The volume of urine is 700 UV for 24 hours (ml)
• Frequency of urination is 8-10 times / day
• The average volume of urine is 80-90 ml 1
• Urine specific gravity is 1009-1012
• glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 70-100 ml/min/1.73m2

3-6 years of life
• the volume of urine is800-1000 UV for 24 hours (ml)
• The frequency of urination is 6-8 times / day
• The average volume of 1 ml urine was 90-100
• Urine specific gravity is 1010-1016
• glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 100-120 ml/min/1.73m2

60-10 years old
• 1100-1500 the volume of urine is the UV radiation for 24 hours (ml)
• The frequency of urination is 5-6 times / day
• The average volume of urine is a 100-150ml
• Urine specific gravity is 1012-1020
• glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 120-140 ml/min/1.73m2

Locating the kidneys on the base of the spine

• The left side of the summit is higher at the bottom of the eleventh thoracic vertebra
• The narrowest part of the summit on the top floor of the twelfth thoracic vertebra
• The bottom left of the point below the iliaccrest.

3-5 months
• The left side of the summit on the top floor of the twelfth thoracic vertebra
• The top right of the summit at the bottom of the twelfth thoracic vertebra

1 year
• The left apex is at the bottom of the twelfth thoracic vertebra
• The right side of the apex is at the bottom of the twelfth thoracic vertebra

2 years
• The left side ofthe upper apex is located like in Adult
• The right side of the upper apex is located like in Adult
• The left side of the lower apex is located above the iliac crest.

Any conspicuous deviation form any of these normal indexes indicate one thing- an abnormality!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The importance of amino acids in your daily regimen

Amino acids and athletic performance

There has been considerable research on protein requirements of athletes. Most experts and studies indicate that athletes who do intense resistance training or bodybuilding should consume up to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Athletes at altitude may need as much as 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram per day. This is twice the recommended daily allowance of protein for the average personwho do not exercise. Those athletes that protein intake can suffer from malnutrition or injury during training exercises. More than the amount recommended for athletes does not help an athlete gain muscle mass, however.

Anabolic Amino Acids

One advantage of amino acid supplementation is speculated that hormones that stimulate the growth hormones in the body, such as arginine and ornithine, increase the athlete's muscle mass, body modificationcomposition and resulting in increased muscle mass. This can be achieved by changing the diet or increasing the amount of amino acid supplements with amino acid supplements. It is important to use a protein crystallizes, the NSF "Certified for Sport" in a way that allows professional athletes to use the product without the fear of testing positive for banned substances or anabolic steroids.

Branched Chain (BCAA) andLeucine, isoleucine and valine, which generate energy for the body is exercise and are called "ergogenic" amino acids. Reduce the exercise caused by the degradation of proteins and reducing muscle loss during intense exercise. Remember that the body uses muscle for energy if it comes to finding energy elsewhere. Since the consumption of these enzymes during intense activity, increases muscle mass and increase lean muscle to fat ratio. Secondly, enzymes are BCAAable to reduce exercise-induced fatigue. The enzymes are taken up by the muscles during exercise so that oxidative metabolism (metabolism using oxygen instead of muscle) takes place.

Eventually, the BCAA enzymes are used up during exercise and this triggers another amino acid, L-tryptophan, to increase and enter the brain. L-tryptophan induces a sudden psychological and physiological need to rest, signaling the time to stop exercising and is probably the cause of over-training syndrome, low energy, loss of periods, depression, appetite loss, weight loss, immunosuppression and poor performance in athletes who are overdoing it. BCCA supplements help reduce over training syndrome by reducing the ratio of BCCA to L-tryptophan.    

Glutamine also supports muscle growth and development. Researchers have found that glutamine provides fuel as well for white blood cells, preventing the immunosuppression seen in overt raining syndrome. 

Many professional athletes are turning to an all natural amino stack called gHP Sport. The main reason is because it's NSF "Certified For Sport" and they know they can take gHP Sport without fear of losing their career due to banned substances.

Amino Acids and Weight Loss

Some amino acids seem to be helpful against obesity by allowing the body to burn fat more efficiently and by suppressing the appetite. Obesity is considered a cofactor in clogged arteries, high blood pressure, diabetes and the increase in certain cancers. The particular amino acids implicated in weight loss are carnitine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. Science tells us that most overweight individuals do not eat the degree of calories required to explain their weight gain. They just tend to burn calories at a lower rate than thinner people and store the calories as fat.

A number of studies have indicated that genetics has a great deal to do with your weight. Identical twins tend to be more strikingly similar in weight than are fraternal twins. Fat storage in overweight individuals depends on the enzyme known as lipoprotein lipase (LPL).   Researchers believe that LPL determines the number of nutrient molecules that the fat cell takes up during storage. Repeated bouts of crash dieting actually cause weight gain because LPL is increased during the weight loss phase. The body adapts to the lower caloric intake and stores as much food intake as possible. 

Many researchers suggest that amino acid supplements may be helpful in weight loss programs. Carnitine transfers the fatty acids back out of the fat cell and makes it possible to burn them. This increases the body metabolic rate of the body and helps reduce muscle weakness in weight loss. Carnitine is made from Lysine and Methionine, which are both essential amino acids and we do not manufacture what we really need. Tryptophan, in addition, helps reduce the body from craving for carbohydrates and Phenylalanine decreases appetite by improving the amount of the neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, in the brain.    

Amino Acids and Aging

Amino acids can affect premature aging. In fact, amino acids are considered preferable over alpha-hydroxy treatments in skin aging because they do not photosensitize the skin and result in a lesser irritation of the skin than alpha-hydroxy treatments. Amino acids are applied to skin cells and help remove wrinkles, smooth the skin, exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. The appearance of photo-damage is reduced. 

Amino acids also help improve the internal aging process. For example, Arginine can help in reducing heart conditions, including clogged arteries. It is also a natural anticoagulant and may help reduce cholesterol levels. Leucine is also good for its anti-aging properties. It supports the body and the healing processing, reducing the aging process. Without enough Leucine, our body will not repair itself well. In addition, it is found to improve the appetite in those suffering from cancer. Cysteine plays an essential role in the anti-aging process because it helps us metabolize fats better. It has been shown to lessen the damage to the body due to alcohol and cigarettes. It is preventative against heart disease and cancer and boosts the immune system so you will get sick less often. There are several other amino acids that slow or reverse the aging process.  

Forms of Amino Acid Supplementation

Amino acids, as mentioned, come in food like meats, dairy, soy and legumes. Sometimes the diet is enough to provide us with enough amino acids. If not, however, amino acids must be given by supplementation. Some ways to supplement amino acids include protein shakes, some of which are not very tasty but are good for body builders who can simply chug them down with water or juice. They also come in tablets, caplets and in tincture forms through health food stores or on the Internet. Amino acids also come in crystallized form, making them highly soluble and pure in the management of the several conditions helped by amino acid supplementation. 

The Vitality of Amino Acids in Your Diet

Our diet provides us with all that we need in life. We thrive on carbohydrates, fatty acids and numerous types of proteins. Proteins make up the substance of our organs, glands, hair, nails, muscles and tendons and are vital to our existence. In fact, they make up the greatest part of our body weights. 

The proteins we create as a part of biological processes or that we eat as part of our diet are all made from amino acids. There are twenty standardized amino acids of which several are considered (essential) because the body cannot make them and they must be eaten. Besides being the important building blocks to structural proteins, amino acids help to make aspects of coenzymes, which help our bodies enzymes work. Amino acids are also part of the creation of heme (a vital blood protein).

Scientists and nutritionists are beginning to recognize the benefit of amino acids in the aging process, for athletes of all types and for women's health. For example, amino acids provide (myoproteins), which are muscle proteins that aid in building muscle mass and help athletes recover from being fatigued. They absorb quickly so that they can very easily be replenished when used up in sports activities.

The essential amino acids, required in our diet include the following:

·         Histidine
·         Isoleucine
·         Leucine
·         Lysine
·         Methionine
·         Phenylalanine
·         Threonine
·         Tryptophan
·         Valine

There are also numerous non essential amino acids that are considered so because our bodies can create the amino acids from an internal source of body elements. These include:

·         Alanine
·         Arginine
·         Aspartic acid
·         Cysteine/Cystine
·         Glutamic Acid
·         Glutamine
·         Glycine
·         Ornithine
·         Proline
·         Serine
·         Taurine
·         Tyrosine

The Importance of Several Amino Acids

The following amino acids have special importance when it comes to enhancing bodily functions. Some are considered essential amino acids while others are non-essential amino acids that are particularly important in amino acid supplements.


Lysine is one of the essential amino acids so we need it in our diet. It is essential in the processes of growth and cholesterol reduction. It is an amino acid which is vital to the making of connective tissues in our body like cartilage, tendons and skin. Without enough lysine in the diet, people get kidney stones and a variety of other disorders. Athletes who work out a great deal are at risk for lysine deficiency. Lysine comes to our diet through protein and most protein comes from meat and dairy sources. This means that vegetarians can also suffer from lysine deficiency as are those who eat diets high in cereals and baked goods.

What is Lysine used for?  

Lysine has therapeutic uses as well. For example, lysine supplements are helpful in managing herpes diseases like shingles. It can also reduce the frequency of herpes breakouts. In addition, lysine helps calcium absorption in the diet so that individuals with osteoporosis can take lysine supplements to help strengthen bones. It is the L-lysine form that works the best on the body. 


Arginine is considered a non-essential amino acid but it is vital for bodily functions. For men, it improves blood flow to the penis in order attain an erection and enhances sperm count. It also slows the growth of cancer cells because it improves the body's immune system. It increases muscle mass and reduces the amount of body fat, resulting in weight loss. By releasing the growth hormone of the body, Arginine leads to the best muscle growth and maximum tissue repair in the event of injury. Like lysine, Arginine comprises a major portion of collagen and connective tissue. This makes it good for treating arthritic and connective tissue diseases. Arginine can also be converted to glucose and its storage product, glycogen, if needed.  

Why Do People Use Arginine?

Heart Disease: Arginine creates nitric acid which improves blood flow to major body organs, including the brain, the legs and the heart. 

Erectile Dysfunction: Nitric acid is very important in the attainment of an erection. The muscles of the penis relax, allowing blood to flow in at the time of an erection. It must be taken regularly in order to work.

Wound Healing: Arginine helps form another amino acid, Proline, that is vital for the synthesis of collagen (connective tissue).

Where can I find Arginine?

If you take an amino acid supplement, you are already covered. If not, the amino acid can be found in animal protein, dairy products, soy products and some plant proteins. One can become short on Arginine if there are infections, burns or other injuries and one may need to take a supplement to make the deficiency up.


Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid that, along with Arginine and Carnitine, is vital for the healthy functioning of the immune system. It helps the liver regenerate itself in case of injury and helps insulin function as a muscle-building hormone. Ornithine is created by the amino acid, Arginine, which is metabolized during urea (a part of urine) production. Ornithine is highly conducive to the production of growth hormone. As mentioned before, growth hormone builds muscle mass. It also improves insulin production. There are beneficial effects of Ornithine in those who have had major surgery, serious infections, cancer, major trauma or burn injuries. Using Ornithine helped to improve the appetite, quality of life and weight gain in those who took it following these illnesses. Finally, Ornithine has been shown to help those with severe liver disease, such that the disease is affecting their brain.

Where is Ornithine Found?

Amino acids generally come from the same sources, predominately in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. The recommended daily allowance is five grams per day. Deficiencies in Ornithine are rare but can occur during growth spurts, pregnancy, malnutrition or following severe traumatic injuries. 


Glutamine is the most prominent amino acid found in our muscles and it helps to make muscles grow. People who have been bedridden for a long time would benefit from glutamine to build up muscle mass. It also improves the function of the brain and helps with digestive diseases. It helps reduce fatigue and has been found to be helpful in treating brain diseases like dementia and schizophrenia. The body's immune system is highly dependent on the presence of glutamine. It is considered non-essential but in conditions when the body really needs it, the production of it is insufficient and you need it in your diet. Conditions needing extra glutamine include severe injuries, surgeries, prolonged stress, and infections.

Importance of Glutamine

Glutamine is used to heal the body from injuries, from major to minor ones. It responds to the elevated cortisol levels present in times of bodily stress. Glutamine enhances the healing process, including those from cuts or severe burns. 
Glutamine is used also to treat inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. It appears that glutamine heals the internal tissue in these conditions. 
Glutamine helps AIDS patients who have muscle loss to gain muscle back, along with other nutrients. 
Athletes who train heavily will reduce their stores of glutamine and benefit from having glutamine supplements. The athlete recovers from injury better, as well. 
Cancer patients have low levels of glutamine and require supplementation in order to improve their malnourished state.   Glutamine can also heal the lining of the intestines during chemotherapy. 

Sources of Glutamine

The best dietary sources of glutamine include proteins from animals and plants, including beef, fish, poultry and port, dairy products, raw spinach, raw cabbage and raw parsley.


Glycine is notable for its ability to prevent muscle degeneration and it improves the storage of sugar in the body. It allows the glucose of the body to turn into energy, making it useful for athletes needing that extra boost. It is used in the repairing of damaged body tissues and promotes healing following injury. It is a non-essential amino acid; meaning that the body is capable of producing it itself but one can still suffer from deficiency in times of need. Glycine has recently been shown by research to work with antioxidants in the management of cancer. It has been shown to be effective against melanoma (skin cancer), by blocking the formation of blood vessels inside the tumor. 

Glycine is vital to the construction of DNA and RNA, the building blocks and information storage of the body. By boosting the body's creatine content, it helps to build our muscle mass. Glycine is not only found in muscle; it is found in skin and other types of connective tissue as well. It keeps the skin firm and flexible as well.     

Glycine is important for the function of the nervous system. It puts a stop to the parts of the brain, causing convulsions, hyperactivity and bipolar depression. Glycine can be changed to another neurotransmitter, serine, which can be useful in the treatment of schizophrenia. Improve recovery of memory and helps people with sleep disorders, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and even jet lag.

What are the sources of glycine?

Glycine is found in protein foods like meat, fish, beans, dairy products and medicalsupplement.


Leucine is an essential amino acid that is combined with isoleucine and valine in order to maximize the muscle, bone and skin healing. It provides energy to the body and helps regulate blood sugar in the body. Is an amino acid to burn fat and burn the deep layers of fat in the abdomen and other areas. Leucine is particularly able to convert glucose (sugar) very quickly, which makes it excellent for the prevention ofmuscle loss. For athletes, prevents the use of muscles to produce energy for the muscle is built into body building and other strenuous activities. Thos who suffer from trauma or major surgery may speed the healing of an additional leucine.

The shortcomings of the leucine

Without leucine, may suffer from symptoms of blood sugar such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, irritability and confusion. Remember, leucine has not been created bythe body and must be obtained from the diet.

Sources of dietary leucine

Leucine can be obtained from any source of meat or fish and rice, beans, milk, soy flour and wheat. Those are important, but do not have the best diet supplements leucine can be considered to prevent muscle loss and blood sugar. Because leucine is used along with isoleucine and valine, it should becombination.


Isoleucine is an essential amino acid that is particularly useful in making the body's hemoglobin (a component of blood). It also regulates blood sugar and increases energy. For athletes, isoleucine is vital in the rapid repair of muscles, bones and skin, as a result of an injury. Athletic endurance has improved, making it an important supplement for bodybuilders and other athletes. And "one of the three brancheschain amino acids (leucine and valine along with) and all protect and promote muscle recovery during and after exercise. We found that isoleucine deficiency causes fatigue, dizziness, headaches, depression, irritability and confusion.

Isoleucine How I can get?

As an essential amino acid isoleucine can not be produced by the body and must be ingested. Excellent food sources are seeds of any type of meat, fish, nuts, eggs,dairy products, lentils, peas and soy protein. Those lots or body builders should take into account the integration of isoleucine. As with leucine, isoleucine must be taken with leucine and valine. They work together to do their important work.


Valine is an essential amino acid that is used in combination with leucine and isoleucine to improve the repair of body tissues and the proper maintenance of nitrogen balance inbody. It is also useful in treating diseases of the liver and gallbladder, including the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy (brain, a condition associated with the liver), and it feels to calm emotional state. Indeed, valine is deemed necessary for proper mental and emotional functioning.

Valine is one of the three branched-chain amino acids (leucine and isoleucine as well). Taken together, regulate blood sugar and give the body an extra boost of energy. When aexercises, there can be a cannibalization of muscle for use as energy. Valine and his minions to stop this process and instead promote muscle growth, providing glucose as an energy source for the body.

How I can get Valine?

As essential amino acid valine is, must be obtained through diet or supplements, and leucine with isoleucine. Good food sources of valine produced meat, fish, dairy products, mushrooms, soy proteinsources and peanuts. Valine deficiency is possible in those following a diet low or restricted. Valine supplementation should be considered where a lot of exercise, eating a diet low in protein or are looking to build your muscles. Always take with isoleucine and valine, leucine, working together.

Thanks for reading this article. If you want to add amino acids to your diet, or if you are already taking Amino Acids and want to experience theOnly patented amino acid stack in the world without risks, visit the website: